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Q: Whites didn't want black slaves to read and write why?
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Why did the freed black slaves need education?

so they can learn to read and write

Did a black man sign the constitution?

No, back then they were still considered slaves.

Why werent slaves not able to rise up and fight for their freedom?

slaves would fight for their freedom if they could but their masters werent allowing them to read or to write, or leave their masters home, so all the slaves couldnt meet up and make weapons, and make a big army ready. at the time the whites had empowerment over the blacks, and if the blacks got caught leaving they would be wipped, basically they didnt have time, the power, the communication, or the resources.... but the good news is theyre free now

Did black hawk go to school?

black hawk didnt go to school its a bird they cant talk read or write more less go to school...

How many African-Americans not slaves?

Not sure if this helps. According to KGB in 1860 some 3,000 blacks owned nearly 20,000 black slaves. The facts are only a minority of whites owned slaves while a majority of blacks owned slaves..... Bet you didn't learn that in school.... Me either Yes I did learn it in school. The reason, and only reason black Americans bought black slaves was to give these slaves FREEDOM. Most black slave owners bought their relatives and or friends of relatives in order to keep the families together but to insinuate that black ownership of slaves was to oppress black slaves as the white owners did is ridicules. In the year you write of above, 1860, NO ONE knew slavery would end five years later. Again. The reason these 3000 or so blacks ( ex-slaves themselves who made enough money ) who owned slaves, actually saved enough money to purchase the ownership of their family members and friends in order to keep them safe (free from harm of the white owners) and to keep their family as one unit without ever getting lost in the shuffle of white slave owners who sold family members apart from one another.... GOT IT NOW?

What was the Stono Rebellion?

The Stono Rebellion was a slave rebellion that began September 9, 1739, inSouth Carolina.21 whites and 44 blacks were killed. Nearly 80 slaves escaped and headed for South Florida where the Spanish promised freedom for any slaves escaping from the British colonies.They were captured by the militia before they reached Florida.The leader of the rebelling slaves could read and write - Apex

What were things black slaves are not able to do?

Black slaves were prohibited from marrying without their owner's permission, learning to read and write, owning property, or gathering in large groups without supervision. Additionally, they were not able to move freely or leave the plantation without permission.

What were laws to control the behavior of slaves?

Laws to control the behavior of slaves regulated their movement, social interactions, and education. Some laws prohibited slaves from gathering in large groups, learning to read and write, and traveling without permission. Additionally, slaves were forbidden from owning property, testifying in court against whites, and marrying without their owner's consent.

Could slaves read and write?

In some civilizations, it was illegal for slaves to be literate, while in others, some slaves were able to learn how to read and write. The ability to read and write among slaves varied widely depending on the time period, location, and individual circumstances.

Did Mitt Romney write a book?

no he didnt

Did he write shes like the wind?

yes, he also wrote "The Cat Jumped Across The Years" which is a book about a black person fighting for his freedom in a town of whites that don't accept him and his race.

How did pillgrams write?

very sloppy bc they didnt really know how to write