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The Habsburgs were the ruling family of Spanish and Austrian lands that ruled for over six centuries. Starting with Rudalph I of Germany, in the 16th century, and traveling down the family line until it ended with Charles VI, who was also had the title of Holy Roman Emperor, in the 17th century. Although the family line came from the Germanic region, the Habsburgs are primarily known for ruling over Austria and Spain.

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Which was a result of the Thirty Years' War?

Most of all it reduce the power of the Habsburgs

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It did not efect it all.

When were hapsburgs overthrown?

The Habsburgs were "overthrown" in1918 along with autocratic dynasties of Russia and Germany.

How did the holy roman empire aid papal and church power over kings?

The Holy Roman Empire was ruled by the Habsburg dynasty. The Habsburgs had a vast amount of power and wealth and were devout Catholics. The Habsburgs were the Vatican's main backing and helped the Papacy control the surrounding European monarchies.

The strongest monarchies in Europe were in France England Spain and .?

the Holy Roman Empire and Austria (the Habsburgs) A+ only Germany

What forces hindered unity?

The Habsburgs, the papacy the rivalry of individual cities many more factors depending on the time period.

Are there any Mexican habsburgs?

confusing mean hamburgers or half burgers be more specific on your answer. sounds like a German word.f3b

Was the King of New Spain a Viking?

No. The King of Spain (New Spain was a colony of Spain) was not a Viking, but an Iberian. Although, the origins of the Habsburgs are in Austria.

Who was the most powerful of the Spanish Habsburgs?

King Philip II (1527 - 1598) is generally considered to be the most powerful Habsburg King of Spain.