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The Amish originated from Switzerland in the 1600's. Swiss Amish - Switzerland Amish.

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Q: Who are the Swiss Amish?
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Do Amish people speak Swiss' German?

Switzerland does not have a Swiss language. German, French and Italian are spoken there. The Amish speak a dialect of German.

What country did the ethridge Amish come from?

The Amish that established a community in Ethridge, Tennessee, called the Swartzentruber, are Swiss in origin.

What nationality are the Amish?

According to Wikipedia, there are several European migrant nationalities represented by 'Amish'. German, Dutch, and Swiss, apparently are represented in the different sects. Particularly, "The history of the Amish church began with a schism in Switzerland within a group of Swiss and Alsatian Anabaptists in 1693 led by Jakob Ammann. Those who followed Ammann became known as Amish." All the American Amish, however, are today considered Americans.

Why was Amish named what it is?

The history of the Amish church began with a schism in Switzerland within a group of Swiss and Alsatian Anabaptists in 1693 led by Jakob Ammann. Those who followed Ammann became known as Amish.

What religon did the Amish come from?

The Amish came from a division within the Swiss and Alsatian Anabaptist churchs in 1693, led by a young minister named Jakob Ammann.

Did the Amish religion start in the US?

No, but because of persecution many Amish immigrated to the united states during the 1700's and a second wave of immigration in the 1850's. Most of the Amish coming to america in the 1850's did not remain amish and began to identify with the Mennonite. Two exceptions this are the Swiss Amish communites located in Berne and Adams Counties in Indiana. The amish themselves have their roots in switzerland in the late 1600's.

What makes something Amish?

It is Amish...if it is homemade. But you have to be Amish, or are not Amish. But, homemade. amish.. no its amish if it fails at life ....see

Can Amish people speak English?

Yes. Their first language is Pennsylvania Dutch- (a dialect of German). They speak only this language until they get to be around six at the time they start school. Then they begin to learn English.

Why are Amish people called Amish?

Amish are called Amish because the founder of it was Jacob Ammann

What is Amish butter?

Amish Butter is butter mixed in with things that the Amish crops then mixed and hardened into Amish Butter!

Where did the Amish immigrants come from?

The Amish people are Swiss and German. They typically speak a German dialect until they attend school, then they are taught English and German. Usually about the age of six. Answer2: The Amish are descendants of a group of 17th-century Anabaptists. Their name derives from their leader, Jacob Amman, who lived in Switzerland. From their study of the Bible back then, these God-fearing people recognized that infant baptism and military service were wrong. Because of their stand, the government persecuted them. A few even paid for their religious convictions with their lives. Persecution continued to increase, and a number of them were forced to flee to other parts of Switzerland and to France. By the middle of the 19th century, thousands had fled to the United States. With them, they brought their culture and the Swiss German dialect.

Are the Amish Jewish?

No, Amish and Jews are not the same. The Amish are a Christian sect and have no ties to Judaism at all. Until somewhat recently, in fact, the Amish were strong supersessionists meaning that they believed that Christianity replaced Judaism and that Judaism was no longer a valid path to G-d. The Amish are a sub-sect of the Mennonite Church (Annabaptist) and they are mainly of Swiss-German ancestry. The movement descends from the 16th century fellowship known as the Swiss Brethren. The languages that the Amish speak are Pennsylvania German, Swiss German, and English. They do not speak Yiddish, although, as Yiddish is largely made up of high German, most Yiddish speakers and Amish can communicate with each other quite easily. There are some Amish who claim Jewish ancestry. This is most likely the result of a 'conversos' scenario where Jews would claim to have converted to Christianity publicly but would practice Judaism in private to avoid persecution. As has been seen with other conversos groups, a percentage of the future generations lose all knowledge of Judaism and completely join Christianity. There are some similarities in practices between the Amish and Chassidic Jews in that both groups are very orthodox in their respective religious teachings, men from both groups can be mistaken for each other because of clothing choices, and both groups tend to have very large families. However, no Jewish sect rejects new technology in the way that the Amish do.