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Its not known as copper has been known from antiquity. The ancients first learned to smelt copper oxide/carbonate etc., to obtain copper.

This was first done on the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea.

The name Copper ' Cuprum ; comes from Kypros ' Cyprus' older name.

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2mo ago

Copper has been known to humans for thousands of years, with its discovery dating back to prehistoric times. Therefore, it is challenging to attribute its discovery to specific scientists. However, ancient civilizations in the Middle East, such as the Mesopotamians and Egyptians, were among the early users and exploiters of copper.

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14y ago

Copper is another one of those common materials whose use has been known since antiquity. Some of the earliest known mines in the world were for copper. The names of those who discovered it are lost to history.

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Was copper or arsenic discovered first?

Copper was discovered first. It has been used by humans for thousands of years, while arsenic's discovery as a chemical element came later in the 13th century.

Who discovered copper II chloride?

Copper(II) chloride was first discovered by the French chemist Antoine-Francois Fourcroy in 1798.

What year was copper discovered?

Copper has been used since ancient times and was one of the first metals to be discovered and utilized by humans. Its discovery predates recorded history, but archaeological evidence suggests that copper was in use as far back as the 5th millennium BC.

By whom and when was copper discovered?

The metal copper has been known since very ancient times. Chances are it was first produced by accident. Someone would have built a campfire and used rocks around the edge of the fire to contain it (as we still often do to this day) and if this person had happened to use a form of copper ore as the rocks for his campfire, they could have gotten hot enough that copper would have melted out of the rocks. And then, if this person was observant enough, he or she would have investigated further, to see if this strange substance had any particular uses (which of course it does) and whether more of it could be melted (or refined) out of more rocks (which of course it can).

Which element was discovered first copper or arsenic?

Copper was discovered first, since it occurs naturally in its pure form and has been used by humans since ancient times. Arsenic, on the other hand, was discovered later and is a metalloid that is typically found in combination with other elements in minerals.