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Q: Who asserted that people are capable of governing themselves and stressed the natural rights of all people?
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Which philosopher believed that only philosophers were capable of governing societies?

Plato believed that only philosophers were capable of governing societies.

What did Thomas Hobbes and John Locke write about?

Among other things, freedom of thought and of conscience.

Did john Locke believe people were capable of governing themselves?

No, that would be a direct democracy. Locke believed in represenative democracies in which people elected people to represent them.

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The civil service examination system

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The southern states believed themselves to be sovereign and thus capable of governing themselves and enacting their own decisions. They did not appreciate the northern states attempting to run the affairs of the states in the south, who did very strongly believe in the doctrine of states' rights. this was a cause of the war.

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Socrates believed that a democracy was not capable of governing effectively because he thought that it allowed the majority to make decisions without considering what is truly just or beneficial for society. He believed that a society should be governed by individuals who were knowledgeable and virtuous, rather than by the whims of the majority.

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They are hatched quite capable of feeding themselves.

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"Why do you feel the colonists who side with you are more capable of governing than is the King and Parliament who have vast experience?"

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He unified them which was an essential step to creating a political body capable of having a voice in the affairs of governing the island state.

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