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The First attack was 89 years later, in 373. The Quadi and Sarmatians ravaged some areas along the river Danube. In 395 the Huns penetrated into Roman territories in Asia and went as far as Syria. In 405 the Ostrogoths led by Radagaisus attempted to invade Italy, but they were repelled. The Vandals, Sueves, Alans and probably the Burgundians crossed the frozen river Rhine and entered Gaul in 406, beginning their invasion of the western part of the Roman Empire. The Alemanni took advantage of this to take over north-eastern France, Switzerland and Austria. The Huns carried out raids into the eastern part of the Roman Empire again in 408 and 441. In 450 Attila of the Huns decided to invade Gaul, but was repelled by a combined force of Romans, Franks and Visigoths.

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Q: Who attacked the roman empire after 284 ad?
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