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King James I, if you are talking about the royal house in England.

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Q: Who began the Stuart Dynasty?
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Began the Stuart dynasty?

The Stuart dynasty began with Robert the second in 1371. It ended with the death of Ann of Great Britain in 1714.

Who began Stuart dynasty?

Robert II of Scotland, who was also King of the Kingdom of Scotland.

Who successed after Elizabeth 1?

James I succeeded Elizabeth I. He was the son of her cousin, Mary Queen of Scots. Queen Elizabeth I was the last ruler in the Tudors Dynasty and James I began the Stuart Dynasty.

What dynasty did Charles ii belong to?

The stuart dynasty.

What dynasty reigned after the Stuart's?

The Hanover dynasty succeeded the Stuart dynasty in Britain. King George I, a Hanoverian, became the monarch in 1714 following the death of Queen Anne, the last Stuart monarch.

Is thomas becket a Stuart?

Thomas Becket (c1118-1170) was Archbishop of Canterbury in the reign of King Henry II who was of the Plantagenet dynasty. The first Stuart king was James I who ascended the English throne in 1603. Thomas Becket died over 400 years before the Stuart age began.

What English dynasty began with James the first and ended with his his grandson James the second?

The House of Stuart. Although if you are Scottish, and did not agree with the succession of the House of Hanover, it did not end until the death of the daughter of Bonnie Prince Charlie (Charles James Edward Stuart)

Which dynasty reigned after the Tudor dynasty?

The Stuarts. the Tudor dynasty ended when Elizabeth I died unmarried and childless, leaving no heir to succeed to the throne. She was thus succeeded by the King of Scotland, James I, whose family name was Stuart.

When did the Ming Dynasty begin?

1368, this dynasty began.

Of which family was Bonnie Prince Charlie?

He was part of the Stuart dynasty.

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Who began to keep records in the third dynasty?

Manetho began keeping records in the third dynasty of Egypt