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Q: Who believed that government should be based on justice the satisfaction of the common good?
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A government based on the general will

Thomas Aquinas wrote about the nature and role of government in?

Thomas Aquinas wrote about the nature and role of government in his work "Summa Theologica." He believed that government exists to promote the common good and maintain order in society through just laws. Aquinas argued that rulers derive their authority from God and must govern with wisdom and justice.

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Hamilton believed that the common man was not capable of making informed decisions and thus advocated for a strong, centralized government led by elites. Jefferson, on the other hand, believed in the inherent capability of the common man and valued participatory democracy. He believed that the common man should have an active role in government and that their voices should be heard and represented.

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Who believed that the government was to determine provide and protect the common good?

The men who wrote the constitution and that is still it’s purpose.

What do the above four items have in common?

The colonists called them the Intolerable Acts.

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special interest or tariff

What did boston port act administration of justice act massachusetts government act quartering act have in common?

The colonists called them all the Intolerable acts

What do the four items have in common Boston port act administration of justice act Massachusetts government act quartering act?

The colonists called them the Intolerable Acts.

What are Basic function of government?

Basic functions of government are: 1. To establish justice. 2. To ensure domestic tranquility. 3. To provide for the common defense. 4. To promote the general welfare. 5. To secure the blessings of liberty.

What is the purpose of government in the US and other countries?

The purpose our government is form a perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty and our prosterity.