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Q: Who built pagan temples to please all his foreign wives?
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Do Christians build churches on lands that they have claimed victory on?

During the Christian persecutions of the fourth century, the Christian Church frequently appropriated pagan temples and built churches on the sites of the temples, often using marble, timbers and other valuable materials taken from the temples themselves. Helen, mother of Emperor Constantine, built magnificent churches in Palestine on the sites of three former temples, claiming that one had been over the birthplace of Jesus, one had been over the site of the crucifixion and one had been over the sepulchre of Joseph of Arimathea. This was remarkable not only for the ability of Helen to identify the exact locations of these holy sites, but also because each of them coincided with an important pagan temple that had to be removed. The first St Peter's in Rome was built on a pagan holy site, using marble columns brought from many pagan temples, including six imported by Constantine from Greece.

Describe two ways early missionaries converted pagan populations to Christianity?

They burned Pagan temples to the ground and built christian churches on the sites.They told of an evil fallen angel that would burn you and torture you forever in the afterlife if you weren't christian. If that wasn't scary enough they would then tell pagans "Oh by the way this evil angel looks exactly like your pagan god!"So they destroyed Pagan temples and scared the pagans into attending Christian churches.

How can a church be revived?

The church can be revived because the realization of the old churches were built upon older ruins of ancient pagan temples from the period of the hellenists so bringing back a church from the past can be realized as the truth.

How did the adoption of Christianity by constintine help the christians of the eastern roman empire?

Once Constantine adopted Christianity and set Christianity as the main Roman religion, he diverted fund which once went to pagan temples to new Christian churches which he had built all across the empire! (A this point the empire was a whole.) Once the funds for the pagan temples stopped, the temples very quickly disperser all over the empire, especially in the eastern parts of the empire! This lead to a very strong Christian presence in the eastern region until the Roman empire completely collapsed.

What are Hindu temples used for?

Temples are sort of like a modern day Church. They are used for worshiping gods. In many old religions, such as the Aztecs, there were sacrifices made in temples to please the gods. Many people would go to temples and pray in them. The things that temples are used for differ depending on the religion. For more information on the different uses of different people go to: Hope I could help :)

What roman emperor closed the pagan temples?

The emperor who finally allowed Christianity in Ancient Rome was Emperor Constantine, but he did not close down the pagan temples. It wasn't until he died and his son, Constans, took over the Western portion of the nation that the old forms of Grecco-Roman pagan worship were banned and those who still followed the religion were threatened with the death penalty. It was then that the destruction of old temples began, though it was most by citizens and not by armies under the order of the emperor (though I'm sure he encouraged it, even if he didn't order it). Temples that survived the pillaging and destruction were converted to Christian churches. In 391, Theodosius banned all forms of non-Christian worship (instead of exclusively banning Grecco-Roman polytheism) putting the final nail in the old pagan religion's coffin, so to speak.

Why was the Patheon built?

The Pantheon is a temple the Romans built to dedicate to all the gods of pagan Rome. The temple was the most revered building of ancient Rome.

Why were pagan temples no longer appropriate in Rome after the development of Christianity?

Another answer from our community:Due to the increasing popularity of the new religion "Christianity", Rome had no choice but to "go with the flow" and turn towards the new way of the people to remain in control and in favor of the people. Imperial Rome was a democratic state.

What is a temple head called?

Depends on the temple (ie, what religion or spiritial tradition is being practiced there). However, most pagan/polytheistic modern temples use the term priest/priestess.

What purpose did pagan images have at this time?

Your question makes no sense. In order for it to be answered correctly, please could you rephrase it.

How did the Catholics get most of the Pagans to convert?

By the beginning of the fourth century, around ninety per cent of the population of the Roman Empire was still pagan. Constantine gave the Christian Church state patronage and encouraged members of his court to become Christian. Those with ambition knew that advancement was more likely for a Christian. Constantine promised every Roman convert a white garment, with twenty pieces of gold (Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire). He also began a campaign of persecution against the pagan temples and paid each city that destroyed its pagan temple. Nevertheless, at the time of his death the majority of the population steadfastly remained pagan. Throughout most of the fourth century, persecution of the pagan temples increased, until in 391, public worship of the pagan gods was prohibited.It took almost a century of patronage on the one hand and persecution on the other, but at last the Roman Empire was predominantly Christian.

Is the Stonehenge a landmark?

Because of its unique association with the Sun and the Stars built thousands and thousands years ago by the mysterious pagan Druids.