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General Motors' Defense Research Laboratories in Santa Barbara, California furnished the wheels, tires and other mobility systems for the Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle.

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Q: Who designed the lunar module tires for the Apollo Moon Missions?
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What were the two missions before Apollo 11?

Apollo 11 was preceded by Apollo 9 which tested the combined Apollo Command/Service Module and the Lunar Module in Earth Orbit, and Apollo 10 which was the Dress Rehearsal for Apollo 11 taking the Lunar Module most of the way to the Moons surface but not landing.

When was the Apollo lunar invented?

The Apollo 9 was the first to test a lunar module in space. Apollo 10 tested the lunar module in lunar orbit.

What was the vehicle that successfully reached the moon?

If the question is regarding manned missions, that would be the Apollo Lunar Module

How did astronauts get off the moon?

On the Apollo lunar missions, the Lunar Module (a separate vehicle) left the Apollo spacecraft orbiting the moon and landed. The upper half of the Lunar Module had a rocket engine capable of launching it back into orbit where it again joined the Apollo spacecraft. The crew then reentered the Apollo for their return to Earth.

What was the importance of the Apollo 7 and 9 missions?

Apollo 7 was to test the new Apollo spacecraft after the fire. Apollo 9 was to test the lunar module in earths orbit.

What Apollo missions didn't have to do with the moon?

The Apollo 7 was a trial of the new spacecraft built after the fire, and Apollo 9 tried the lunar module in earth orbit.

What was the Apollo 10 designed to study?

Apollo 10 was made to study if the lunar module will separate and dock around the moon.

What was the nickname of the Apollo 11 lunar module?

The lunar module of Apollo 11 was called Eagle.

How many people went to Apollo 13?

All Apollo missions had a crew size of three, consisting of the Commander (CDR), the Command Module Pilot (CMP) and the Lunar Module Pilot (LMP)

What two Apollo missions objective was to orbit the moon without landing?

Apollo 8, the mission that went to the Moon without a Lunar Module to test its capabilities in Lunar orbit. Apollo 10, the mission that took the Lunar Module and had to test the mission abort procedure as the astronauts were flying the first stages of the descent, with no intentions of landing.

What were the name of American spaceships that sent people to the moon?

The launch vehicle for most of the manned Apollo missions was the Saturn V (Apollo 7, which had no Lunar Module, used a Saturn 1B launch vehicle instead). The callsigns of the Lunar Modules in the manned Apollo missions were: * Apollo 7: no Lunar Module (test of Command Module, stayed in Earth orbit) * Apollo 8: no callsign, designation LTA-B (dummy Lunar Module, went around Moon but didn't land) * Apollo 9: Spider (first test of Lunar Module, stayed in Earth orbit) * Apollo 10: Snoopy (full test of Lunar Module, went within 10 miles of lunar surface but didn't land) * Apollo 11: Eagle (first manned landing) * Apollo 12: Intrepid (second manned landing) * Apollo 13: Aquarius (went around Moon but didn't land due to problems) * Apollo 14: Antares (third manned landing) * Apollo 15: Falcon (fourth manned landing) * Apollo 16: Orion (fifth manned landing) * Apollo 17: Challenger (sixth manned landing)

What does lunar module mean?

The Apollo spacecraft had two parts, the Command Module and the Lunar Module. The Lunar Module was designed to land on the moon, and to take off to lunar orbit, to a rendez-vous with the Command Module. So it was composed by two parts: the lander, and the ascender. The lander served as a base to the lauching of the ascender.