

Who did Gregor Mendel decide gave you your traits?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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mendel discovereed differential genetic codes

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Q: Who did Gregor Mendel decide gave you your traits?
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What was Gregor Mendel testing for?

To figure out the different traits of plant's. He used the pea plant because it grew quicker and it gave many traits.

What was Gregor Mendel testing peas for?

To figure out the different traits of plant's. He used the pea plant because it grew quicker and it gave many traits.

Who is know as the father of genetics?

Gregor Johann Mendel A monk with a scientific streak, Mendel made botanical discoveries which became the basis of modern genetics. His careful cross-breeding of thousands of pea plants led Mendel to key insights, now called Mendel's Laws of Heredity, about how inherited traits are passed on from generation to generation.

Who is gregor Johann Mendel and their work?

mendel was a person or scientist u can call who formulated the basic laws of genetics. he gave the concept of dominant and recessive traits and characters. he gave the law of independent assortment he discovered gene but that tym he called it medelian factor.

What was Gregor Mendel famous for doing?

Gregor Mendel is considered the father of genetics for his experiments with heredity in pea plants.

What is the discover in gregor mendel?

He gave the law of segregation & the law of independent assortment. He also gave the concept dominant and recessive allele.

What process was Gregor Mendel trying to understand by experimenting with thousands of pea plants?

At the time people didn't know about genes but he noticed that some of his pea plants were tall or short and some had seeds that were round or wrinkled. He grew food for the monastery each year and kept tract when he crossed bred different types of peas. The records he keep gave us the basis for genetics. The plants he used also were helpful as they had simple traits with no intermediate traits.

What was some of the work of others that Mendel used as background information for his experiments?

During his college work, Mendel studied under Johnann Nestler, who did research on breeding sheep for maximum output of wool. From this, Mendel saw that specific traits could be passed from one generation to the next. His work at the abbey gave this idea a scientific foundation that, amazingly, was lost for almost 40 years.

What experiments did Mendel conduct and what were his results?

Mendel's finding showed that phenotypic traits in pea plants were inherited in discrete packages and at predictable frequencies. Mendel proposed two laws the first being the law of independent segregation in which a parent plant passed only one copy of a trait to the offspring. This law was later understood with the discovery of meiosis. His second law was the Law of independent assortment stated that these traits met randomly in the offspring. The combination of these laws in real life gave rise to the set ratios that Mendel observed in life ie 3:1 ratio for a single trait.

Was the effort of Mendel worth it?

you'd have to ask him, he gave up a lot for it and we reap the fruit.

Why was gregor mendel more successful in his discoveries about trait inheritance than so many of the other scientists studying this same topic during this time?

Gregor Mendel's ExperimentsMendel conducted pea plant experiment; crossing different plants and came out mostly with the same result, but some had different phenotypes, i.e. roundness, color, etc. He is considered top be the "father of genetics" because he experimented with thousands of pea plants and recorded the phenotypic and genotypic traits of both using Punnet Squares. Mendel's family were German however he was born in a part of the Austrian empire now located in the Czech republic. He attended the University of Vienna in 1851 and later taught physics in his Augustinian abbey in Brno (in the Czech rebublic) which now opens its gardens to the public for Mendel walks.Mendel conducted his experiments before the mode of inheritance was understood, (c1856-1863) and although we can classify his work as genetics, it was conducted well before the discovery of that DNA was the genetic material and the mode for inheritance. His record-keeping was detailed, and around 1900 it was rediscovered when science was shifting away from a blending of traits idea of inheritance towards an inheritance in discrete packages theory.Mendel's finding showed that phenotypic traits in pea plants were inherited in discrete packages and at predictable frequencies. Mendel proposed two laws the first being the law of independent segregation in which a parent plant passed only one copy of a trait to the offspring. This law was later understood with the discovery of meiosis. His second law was the Law of independent assortment stated that these traits met randomly in the offspring. The combination of these laws in real life gave rise to the set ratios that Mendel observed in life ie 3:1 ratio for a single trait.Note: There are comments associated with this question. See the Discuss:What_experiments_did_Mendel_conduct_and_what_were_his_resultsto add to the conversation.

How did Mendel use mathematics in his experiments in life science?

Mendel used the mathematics in his experiments. He found the ratio of the pea plants who were tall to who were short if every generation and gave the law of inheritance.