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His brother, the Duke of York. The Duke of York then renemed the colony 'New York'.

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Q: Who did king Charles II give the New Netherland colony to?
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He wanted to make New Netherland an English colony in 1664?

King Charles the second wanted to make New Netherlands an English colony. At the time New Netherlands was a Dutch settlement.

Why did King Charles ll want to sieze new Netherlands from the Dutch?

Because the Dutch (New Netherland) colony was a threat to England because of its trade. It was also a threat cause of the dutch's expanding settlements and it's location.

Brother of the king who received colony of new netherland as a gift?

Duke of York.

What did King Charles II do to get control of New Netherland?

he helped the pope and the pope declared him as a emperor

After King Charles II took new netherland from the dutch by force it was renamed?

New york

Who were the important people in the colony of New York?

Well originally there was New Netherland who was settled by the Dutch but then King Charles II made the Dutch surrender to him and his army. So the King then had it. Then King Charles II gave New Netherland to his brother the Duke of York and renamed it New York after his brother. I hope this helped.

Did King Charles II give the land to his brother after New Amsterdam surrendered?

yes he did he was an unfair ruler he was hated by many in his colony

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well there were 3 people to try to discover Maryland but the real person to discover the colony Maryland was lord Baltimore.

What colony is named after king Charles 2 brother?

New York Colony, was named for James, Duke of York the brother of King Charles II. James would later become King James II.

Who ruled The colony of Connecticut?

King Charles the second ruled the colony of Connecticut starting in 1639.

What did the English rename new Netherlands in 1664?

Yes, after England's King Charles II decided that his brother, the Duke of York, should drive the Dutch out of New Netherland. Now can you help me with a question? What happened in the Middle Colonies of 1624?

How did the colony of Maryland get started?

As the result of a Charter granted by King Charles I.