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Tally Youngblood ends up with David in the "Uglies" series by Scott Westerfeld. They overcome their differences and work together to create a better society.

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Q: Who does Tally Youngblood end up with in the end?
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Who narrates uglies?

Tally Youngblood

Are there any pictures of tally youngblood from the uglies?

I think the cover is Tally. Hope that helps!

Who is the protagonist in the uglies?

The protagonist in Scott Westerfeld's series is Tally Youngblood.

What is tally youngblood's birthday?

September 9th, the same day as Shay.

Where does Tally Youngblood live while she is ugly?

Tally Youngblood lives in Uglyville while she is still considered ugly in the book "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld.

What was tally youngblood personality like?

Tally Youngblood was initially portrayed as rebellious, adventurous, and independent. As the story progresses, she develops traits like empathy, courage, and a willingness to stand up for what she believes is right. Overall, Tally's character evolves from a self-centered individual to someone who prioritizes the well-being of others.

What major internal conflicts does tally youngblood undergo?

Tally Youngblood faces internal conflicts related to identity and morality throughout the "Uglies" series. She grapples with questions about her individuality and the societal standards that have shaped her. Additionally, Tally struggles with deciding between her loyalty to her friends and her responsibilities to the greater good.

Character description of Tally Youngblood in the novel UGLIES?

Superficial, Selfish, Close-minded

Will tally ever become pretty in uglies?

Yes, Tally's perception of beauty changes in the novel "Uglies." Initially, she aspires to become "pretty" according to society's standards, but her understanding of beauty evolves as the story progresses. Tally learns to appreciate inner beauty, strength, and individuality over conformity to a superficial ideal.

Who is the protagonist in the book Uglies?

The protagonist in the book "Uglies" is a character named Tally Youngblood. She is a teenager living in a society that values physical attractiveness above all else and follows her journey as she navigates the challenges of conformity and self-discovery.

Why does Tally Youngblood have tattoos in 'Specials'?

In the book "Specials," Tally Youngblood acquires the tattoos as part of her transformation into a Special, a genetically modified superhuman soldier. The tattoos symbolize her new identity and allegiance to the Specials group.

What is the climax of UGLIES by Scott Westerfeld?

The climax of "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld is when Tally, the main character, makes the decision to betray her friends and help the Specials. This leads to a series of events that ultimately change the course of the story and Tally's relationships with those around her.