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The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court in our system and it has the final say as to the constitutionality of laws and violations of the Constitutioin.

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Q: Who has the final say on whether a law or treaty violates the Constitution?
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it is the supreme court that has the final sayin whether or not an act of government-legislative or executive at the federal, state, or local level-violates the constitution.

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The Treaty of Versailles

Final interpreters of the constitution?

According to the US Constitution itself, the United States Supreme Court is the final interpreter of the Constitution. The Court's decisions are final and are seldom changed.

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How long did it take them to finish the constitution exactly?

The Constitutional Convention in which the constitution was created began on May 25, 1787 and its final session was on September 17, 1787. At this time the delegates from each state decided whether to ratify it or not.

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The final signatory to the US Constitution was June 21st 1788.

Which treaty established terms of peace to end the war?

President Wilson had his 14 points but the final agreement was The Treaty Of Versallies

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The final U.S. victory of 1812, won after the actual signing of the Treaty of Ghent, was at New Orleans.

What was the final section of the constitution?

The final section of the US Constitution is the Twenty-seventh Amendment. It prohibits a pay increase or decrease for Congress until the start of the next term.

Who has the final say in the constitution's meaning?

The supreme court