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Q: Who has to approve Treaties is negotiated by the president?
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Treaties negotiated by the president must be approved by?

Congressn m8

What is the practice of having treaties negotiated by the executive branch and then submitted to the senate for its consent?

The answer is the legislative branch can approve treaties to settle argument that are unconstitutional. Hope it helped!

Why does the senate approve treaties?

The Constitution requires the Senate to ratify treaties. Until the Senate approves them, they are not in force. The Senate does not automatically approve all treaties that the President sends to them.

Who must approve judges treaties or other appointments in order to be president?

The Senate.

What is the process of treaty making?

The President negotiates international agreements, and the Senate must approve it by a two-thirds popular vote before the treaty made by the president can become effective.... government stuffs can be so confusing.... :)

Can the vice president make treaties with foreign countries?

The US President has the Constitutional authority to make foreign policy, with the advice of the Senate, who must approve all treaties.

Who approves a treaty negotiated by the president?

The Congress has to approve any treaty or truce signed by the president, ambassador, or any representative.

What fraction of body of congress must approve a treaty that the president has negotiated?

2/3 vote of Senate

What power does the House of Representataives have with foreign treaties?

The House of Representatives has no power with regard to foreign treaties. Treaties with foreign government are negotiated by the President subject to the advice and consent of the Senate only.

Who writes the treaties?

Treaties are usually negotiated and written by diplomats.

Who can approve a bill and can override the president's veto with a two third majority vote?

The Legislative branch--a.k.a. Congress--can approve bills and treaties and can override a president's veto with a two-thirds majority vote.

Do the house and the senate both have to ratify a treaty negotiated by the president?

The senate ratifies treaties with a two third majority.