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One World Trade Center - American Airlines Flight 11:

Mohamed Atta (Egyptian), Waleed al-Shehri (Saudi Arabian), Wail al-Shehri (Saudi Arabian), Abdulaziz al-Omari (Saudi Arabian), Satam al-Suqami (Saudi Arabian).

Two World Trade Center - United Airlines Flight 175:

Marwan al-Shehhi (United Arab Emirates), Fayez Banihammad (United Arab Emirates), Mohand al-Shehri (Saudi Arabian), Hamza al-Ghamdi (Saudi Arabian), Ahmed al-Ghamdi (Saudi Arabian).

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Q: Who hijacked the airplanes that were flown into the Twin Towers?
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How the attacks carried out in the 911?

Hijacked aeroplanes were flown into the Twin Towers by suicide bombers.

How did the plane crash the twin tower?

The planes on 9/11 were hijacked by terrorists and deliberately flown into the towers.

Did all of the airplanes that were hijacked crash into the twin towers?

No, 1 crashed into an open field but the rest of them did.

Was it a myth or fact that airplanes hit the twin towers?

Fact, because the planes were taken over by terrorists and were flown to and into and through the world trade center(twin towers).

What two buildings fell in 2001?

The twin towers fell in 2001. They were also called the World Trade Center. They were hit by hijacked airplanes.

Did hijacked planes crash the twin towers?

the reason why is because the planes were hijacked.

Could the nypd do anything about the September 11 attcks?

Defend the twin towers agaisnt having airplanes flown into them ?? !! Not hardly likely!

How many airplanes crashed into twin towers?

There were 2 airplanes that crashed into the Twin Towers. 1 for each tower.

Where were the planes that crashed into the twin towers hijacked from?

american airlines

How did the terrorist attack the twin towers?

!. They Hijacked an American Airlines plane. 2. They flew it into the towers.

When did the twin tower break?

The twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York collapsed due to damage from shock and fire caused by impact by terrorist-hijacked airplanes on September 11, 2001.

How did the airplane hit the twin towers?

It was flown into it by a crazy pilot