

Who invaded the Kurds?

Updated: 4/27/2024
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13y ago

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The Kurds have faced invasions and conflicts from various groups and countries throughout history, including the Ottoman Empire, Iran, Iraq, and Turkey. In recent times, the Islamic State (IS) and Turkish military forces have also been involved in conflicts with Kurdish groups in the Middle East.

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What are kurds?

Kurds are members of a mainly pastoral Islamic people living in Kurdistan.

Are there more Kurds in Iran or in Iraq?

There are around 6.5–7.9 million Kurds in Iran and 6.2–6.5 million Kurds in Iraq, so there are more Kurds in Iran. However, as the Iranian population overall is significantly larger, Kurds make up a more significant percentage of the population in Iraq.

Do Kurds celebrate Christmas?

Generally, No. Of the overall 35 million Kurds, there are less the 35,000 Christian Kurds, which makes Christians less than 0.1% of the Kurdish population. Understandably, Christian Kurds celebrate Christmas, but Muslim, Jewish, Yazidi, Zoroastrian, and non-religious Kurds do not celebrate Christmas.

Are all the kurds eliminated?

No, not all Kurds have been eliminated. Kurds are an ethnic group primarily living in regions including Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. While they have faced persecution and conflict in the past, there are still millions of Kurds living in these areas and beyond.

Are Kurds an ethnic or religious group?

Kurds are an ethnic group. While the majority of Kurds are Sunni Muslims, there are significant religious minorities among the Kurds such as Shiite Muslims, Jews, Christians, Baha'i, Yarsan, Yezidi and other religions.