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Rudolf Diesal

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Q: Who invented the oil burning internal combution engine 1892?
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What is the diff betn internal combution engine n external combution engine piston?

there is no such thing as an external combustion engine.. the closest thing to it was the steam engine...

Who invented the international combuston engine?

Nikolaus Otto invented the four-stroke internal combustion engine

What year was internal combustion engine invented?


How was the internal combustion engine invented?

With research and development.

Where was the internal combustion engine invented?


Who invented internal combustion engine?

Nicholas Otto

When were internal combustion engines invented?

In 1897 Rudolph Diesel invented his engine.

What source of thermal energy does an internal combustion engine use?

burning fuel

What is the difference between an external combustion engine and internal combustion engine?

An external combustion engine is where something is burning outside of the actual engine and the energy is transmitted to the engine via something. (e.g. boiler creates steam that goes to the engine a.k.a. steam engine) In an internal combustion engine, the burning happens in the actual cylinders of the engine. (e.g. car engine)

In what year were car engines invented?

Many different car engines have been invented. The first internal combustion engine was invented in 1807. It used a fuel of hydrogen and oxygen. In 1858 the first coal gas fueled internal combustion engine was invented. In 1864 a gasoline fueled engine was attached to a cart.

Who invented the radial engine?

Jacob Christian Hansen Ellehammer invented the first 3 cylinder radial internal combustion engine in 1904.

What source of energy does an internal combustion engine use steam hot water burning fuel or refrigerant?

Burning fuel.Burning fuel.Burning fuel.Burning fuel.