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Q: Who is a famous fisherman in denmark that saved Jews?
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How did king christian x saved the Jews?

Denmark's King Christian X and the underground resistance movement worked hard to get Jews out of Denmark to Sweden. They also sabotaged the German's efforts to take the Jews to the concentration camps.

Which two European countries were most successful at savings their Jews?

Both Finland and Denmark - Finland saved all but 8 Jews because it bordered Sweden, a neutral country, and people were just able to walk over. Denmark was second best, saving 150 Jews (98.5%).

How were the Jews of Denmark saved from going to the Concentration Camps?

Because: - they had a coast line. - they had a neutral country that was willing to accept them. - Danish Jews were assimiliated. - the Germans warned them that there would be round-ups. - the Germans did not try to stop them. (it was not the Resistance that did the sumggling)

What country saved the Jewish people?

Most of the Jews in the areas under Nazi control were not saved at all - by anyone - but were killed in the Holocaust. Those Jews that survived did so thanks to the Allied victory over Nazi Germany. There's no single country that can claim to 'have saved the Jews'. However, Denmark can claim to have saved most of its own, Danish Jewish population by shipping them to Sweden before most of them were rounded up for deportation.

How many Jews were saved by the resistance?

the resistances saved 3.5million Jews

Why did Hitler invade Denmark?

I belive Hitler invaded denmark because he thought all Jews were bad and deserved to be killed and hurt-plus in denmark there were a lot of Jews.

How many Jews did Hitler take from Denmark?

The Nazis were only able to kill 52 out of 8000 Denmark Jews. This was because the Denmark government sent them to Neutral Sweden.

Did Sweden welcome Jews in the 1930s and 1940s?

Raoul Wallenberg and Count Folke Bernadotte saved over 100.000 European Jews from concentration camps, the king Gustav V attempted to negotiate with Hitler to treat Jews more "humanely". Nearly all of the Jews in Denmark managed to escape to Sweden, so the answer would be yes.

Why was it important to the evacuation of the Jews from denmark?

Plain and simple, the safety of the Demark Jews

Did Denmark kill Jews During the Holocaust?


When did the Jews leave Denmark for Sweden?


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