

Who is binladen?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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13y ago

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He is a very big terrorist no one knows what is he gonna do.

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Q: Who is binladen?
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Who is the most famous Taliban ever?

osama binladen

How tall is osama binladen?

i don't think anyone apart from the American government knows.

What are some common and major conspiracy theories that you have heard of?

Many people seem to believe that 9/11 was an inside job. (However, I think it is absolutely ridiculous).JFK assasination is believed to be a conspiracyThe death of Princess Diana has a couple different beliefs including the press and the royal family.Also many believe that John Wilkes booth was not only an inside job but also that he was never caught

Why should the U.S. troops stop fighting with Iraq?

War has been an issue for the past 5 years. After 9-11 the U.S sent troops to Iraq,but they didn't realize how many people were going to die. Statistics have shown 4000 of soldiers have died,according to the video we saw in Nickelodeon.For real what's the point of this war? How many more people have to die so we can realize this war is not getting us anywhere? We fighting against a country that we don't even know. These people have lived their whole life in Iraq, and American soldiers are not ready for places like Iraq. we are wasting money,so we are losing lives for gas. I don't think this is right or fair at all. During the past years, the economy in the U.S. has become bad. The reason of people are losing their houses, food is becoming more expensive, gas prices increasing and never decreasing, is because we are wasting to much money in the war. Three trillion dollars the U.S. has wasted in the war with Iraq. That's alot of money that could make our economy to become better. Three trillion dollar plus 4000 soldier have die that's a high price for a war and the sad part is we havent get nothing back and we are not going to get nothing out of this war.I hope the next president finds a solution and makes peace with Iraq. One way they can do it is trying to negociate with their government. For real, the next president needs to deal with this issue or if not our economy is going to continue going down, and we the residents of the US are going to be in trouble. I advise the next president to find a way to fix these issues. If not we are going to lose more lives in the war. People have different opinions about the war. Some people think war is good but others think they should stop. Reality is that we keep sending soldiers to get killed in Iraq. In this war no one is winning so what's the point of keep going along with this war. The U.S. thinks they know everything and that they are the best but they haven't found Osama Binladen yet. This war is stupid for real. It's not fair to lose more soldiers in a war that does not make sense.

Which person was not one of the authors of the federalist papers?

The fedralist papers swayed many people to the fedralist cause, this is due to the excellent writing done by the cogent and superflous authors. Among these were not: George Cloony Donald Trump Kim Kardashian Sara Palin Flava Flav Mike Tyson Mike deGrass Tyson Saddam Hussein Osama BinLaden Steve Jobs The Rock Slyvester Stylone John Lenon Ringo Star Paul McCartney Adolf Hitler Alfresco Scott Hampton P. Lawrence the Chivalrous Salvador Domènec Felip Jacint Dalí i Domènech, Marquis of Dalí de Púbol Joseph Stalin Winston Churchill Gorbechev Kruschev FDR LBJ JFK BFK MLK Theadore Roosevelt Ulysseus S. Grant Thor Freya Loki Odysseus Calypso Captain Jack Sparrow Black Beard Jimmy the Kid The Don Albus Dumbledore Voldemort Edward Scissor Hands Rango The Mad Hatter Willie Wonka Glen Lantz Jack Marshall Specialist Gator Lerner Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker Gilbert Grape Sam Axel Blackmar Edward D. Wood, Jr Gene Watson Don Juan/John R. DeMarco Donnie Brasco/Joseph D. Pistone Raphael Raoul Duke William Blake Ichabod Crane Spencer Armacost Dean Corso Roux Lt. Victor Bon Bon Fredrick Abberline Cesar George Jung Sheldon Sands L'inconnu J.M. Barrie Mort Rainey John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester Victor Van Dort Sweeny Todd John Dillinger Frank Tupelo Tony Alexander Pearce Paul Kemp Barnabas Collins Tonto Johnny Depp Bob Barker Drew Carry William Adama Jim Carry Rebbaca Black Michal Jackson The rest of the Jackson Five Lady Gaga Ke$ha Justin Bieber he dead Jason Swango Robert Olesen Kyle Sprague Dylan Wright Kyle Wilson and the rest of the Freedom Brigade

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Where is binladen?

binladen's hiding in a cave somewhere, no one knows for sure though!!officaly binladen lives in a cave in afgahnnistan with his bombs and ak-47 and amo

What is awarded for capturing binladen?

you get arnie

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Osama binladen

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asuma binladen

Is binladen dead or not?

Yup...he's dead!

Who is the most famous Taliban ever?

osama binladen

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Osama binladen

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because no one likes him.

Did Osama binladen die?

no he works in baba alis takeaway.

Where is binladen buried?

he was killed in Pakistan and buried in Pakistan in the sea

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Osama Binladen in 1734.