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The U.S. Constitution provides that only Congress can declare war. Any military action taken in the absence of, or immediately proceeding a war declaration by Congress is unlawful under all circumstances.

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Q: Who is granted the responsibility by the Constitution to declare war?
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What war powers are granted to congess?

Article I, Section 8 of the U.S constitution states only congress can declare war.

Who is the only one who can declare war?

In the United States, only Congress has the power to declare war. This authority is granted by the Constitution to ensure that the decision to go to war is a deliberate and collective one.

The power to declare war granted to?

The Congress

Who is the power to declare granted to?

Declare what? If it's "war" you mean... the answer is Congress... The President

What in the constitution are the power of federal government?

The different branches of government are given different powers by the Constitution. Powers to tax, declare war, grant pardons, negotiate treaties, interpret the laws, and raise armies are some of the powers granted by the Constitution.

The Constitution says the federal government has the power to declare war and engage in warfare. Which is a legal responsibility of the government concerning foreign war policies?

The federal government and its agencies must act ethically during war.

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To declare war

Why cant the president declare war?

The power to declare war is granted to the U.S. Congress by the Constitution; the president serves as the Commander in Chief of the military but requires congressional approval to formally declare war. This separation of powers ensures that such a significant decision is made with input from the legislative branch, representing the will of the people.

What gives congress the right to declare war?

The Constitution.

Who does the constitution gives power to declare war?


What is the power of congress to declare war?

The Constitution grants Congress the sole authority to declare war.

Who has the power to declare war what article and section of the constitution?

Article II, Section 8 allows for Congress to declare war; the President to wage war.