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12y ago

Monrovia, the capital of Liberia was named for US president James Monroe.

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Who was the US president that Monrovia was named after?

Monrovia was named for US President, James Monroe ,who was in office when Liberia was created.

What capital in Africa is named after the 5th president of the US?

The capital of Liberia is named Monrovia.

What capital in Africa is named after a president?

Monrovia, the capital of Liberia is named for James Monroe.

What African capital is named after us president?

Monrovia (Liberia)

What capital city was named after James Monroe?

Monrovia, Liberia

Which African country has its capital named after a President of the US?

Liberia's captial Monrovia is named after President James Monroe.Monrovia was founded in 1822 during the term of President James Monroe. A port city located at the mouth of the St. Paul River, Monrovia was established by the American Colonization Society as a haven for freed black slaves from America

What was the capidal of libiria and who was it named after?

The capital of Liberia is Monrovia, named after U.S. President James Monroe.

How did Liberias capital city get its name?

The capital city was named after president Monroe.

The only country outside the US with a capital named for a US president?

The capital of Liberia, which is Monrovia was named for James Monroe.

What the only country capital named for a us president outside of the US?

Monrovia, the capital of LIberia, was named for James Monroe.

What capital city in Africa is named after a former US president?

I studied the map of Ethiopia and found no city with a name related to a US President. There is a town of about 12,000 named Gore, but it is not named for VP Al Gore. You may be thinking of Liberia, whose capital is Monrovia, named for James Monroe.

What is the only foreign country with a capital city named after an American president?

Although Monrovia, Liberia is the only foreign capital city named after a former US President (James Monroe) it is not the only non-US city named in honor of a past chief executive. Presidente Hayes, a department (equivalent to a county or province) in Paraguay and it's capital Villa Hayes are both named for former President Rutherford B. Hayes