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Although Monrovia, Liberia is the only foreign capital city named after a former US President (James Monroe) it is not the only non-US city named in honor of a past chief executive. Presidente Hayes, a department (equivalent to a county or province) in Paraguay and it's capital Villa Hayes are both named for former President Rutherford B. Hayes

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16y ago

The African country Liberia is the only country outside of America which has a capital city named after an American president (capital Monrovia named after US president James Monroe).

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10y ago

There are two national capitals named after U.S. Presidents: Washington, D.C., USA (George Washington); and Monrovia, Liberia (James Monroe).

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12y ago

The USA - Washington DC named after George Washington.

The capital of Liberia, Monrovia, is named for James Monroe.

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13y ago

Monrovia, Liberia is named for James Monroe .

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The US capital , Washington, DC, is named for the first US president, George Washington.

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11y ago

James Monroe has this honor. Monrovia, Liberia is named for him. The country was founded while he was President from American ex-slaves/

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The only state named after a president would be Washington, with a capitol city of Olympia.

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Q: What is the only foreign country with a capital city named after an American president?
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Which US president had a foreign capital named after him?

None, but one foreign country, Liberia, has named its capital city oafter James Monroe.

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