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This is one of those questions where the Asker appears to be looking for a number of opinions vindicating each side. The problem is that both sides have legitimacy in certain claims and extremists who would rather derail the process of negotiations than not get everything in their wishlists. The Jews and the Palestinians who truly want to live together in peace respecting each others' Rights to Exist, are in the Right and those who would rather stir up antagonism and hatred on both sides are in the Wrong.

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Q: Who is right Jews or Palestinians?
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What is the homeland of the Jews and Palestinians?

Israel is the homeland of the Jews, and Palestine is the homeland of the Palestinians. (However, there are people on both sides who disagree with this statement.)

Has the conflict in Gaza between Jews and Palestinians been resolved?

no and it never will be.

Why do the Israelis and Palestinians hate each other?

Answer 1Not all Jews hate Palestinians and not all Palestinians hate Jews, but the ones that do have many reasons. One reason of hatred that arises between them is that many of the Palestinians have ties with Hamas, and some other terrorist organizations. The reason that Jews have hatred toward those involved with Hamas and terrorist organizations is mainly because of goals of the organizations, and also because of their deceitful manor, especially in treaties and agreements with Israel. Another reason can be because of the hatred many of the Palestinians have toward the Jews, much of which comes from the Palestinians beliefs in Islam.One reason for Jews' problem with Islam is because of the teachings of the prophet Muhammad. Many of these teachings called for the destruction of all other religions, and especially the Jews' religion because of the very decent of Muhammad's followers, fellows, and perhaps Muhammad himself. The very split between the religions, Islam, and Judaism, comes from Ishmael, and Isaac. The children of Isaac mainly became Jews and were promised a certain land. The children of Ishmael mainly became Islamic, and lived in the lands and the lands surrounding, that the Jews were promised. Many times the Jews forced the children of Ishmael, and others, out of their promised land, through war.Palestinians today usually identify themselves as Palestinians for two reasons. Firstly the land known as Israel today was once known as part of Trans-Jordan, and also Palestine. After the end of the war between the Allies and the Ottoman Empire, the British Empire declared the territory of Palestine to become a home of the Jews, however there were some Arabs living in the area. Thousands of Jews moved into the area and began improving the land and the area prospered. Secondly came the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 where many Arabs were displaced from their home countries where many came in as refugees to the future Israel. People affected by either of these reasons, who were, or are, Arabs, often identify themselves as Palestinians. It is for the reason that the Jews believe that these Palestinians are trying to take the lands of the Jews of Israel for themselves that the Jews have begun to hate the Palestinians; because many of the Jews believe that the Palestinians are claiming current Israeli, and Jewish, lands for themselves, and through violent means are taking their lands, do some of the Jews hate the Palestinians.Answer 2Because the Jews want all the lands that Palestinians are living on.Answer 3Jews do not hate Palestinians, it is Palestinian terrorists that hate the Jews. Forcing Israelis to take undesirable action to protect their citizens from attacks.Answer 4Not ALL Jews hate Palestinians. Of course there will always be a group of people who hate another group. SOME Jews hate Palestinians because of the events that is going on over there. Palestinians felt threatened; their homeland was taken away from them, they were kicked out of their homes and out of the countries, and people looked down on them. Over the years, sadness and anger was formed over the lose of their land, the deaths of family members and friends, and the destruction of their land. You can't blame the Palestinians to be anger. Some retaliated and that retaliation is why some Jews hate Palestinians.Answer 5Not all Jews hate Palestinians and not all Palestinians hate Jews, but the ones that do have various reasons. The problems began with the advent of Zionism which is an ideology calling for a homeland for all Jews in historic Palestine. Up until this time, Jews who have always lived in historic Palestine existed in relative harmony among both Muslim and Christian Palestinians.Prior to Israel's 1948 declaration of Independence mass Jewish immigration to Palestine began. Thousands upon thousands of European Jews flooded into Palestine. The native Palestinians were of course dismayed by this especially seeing as the Jews showed great hostility towards the natives often excluding them from jobs. Similarly American settlers who arrived to the Americas showed great hostility toward the Native Americans. This is a common trend in all colonial conquests.In 1948 Israel declared 'Independence' in what was once Palestine. Over 400 Palestinian villages were destroyed and their peoples forced to flee their homeland. There are many recorded instances of massacres being carried out by Jewish terrorist organisations such as the Irgun and Stern Gang against Palestinian civilians. The hatred & violence between Palestinians and Zionist Jews was born.It must be noted that not all Palestinians are Muslim. Prior to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948 nearly 20% of Palestine's population were Christians. These Christians were mainly to be found in Bethlehem and Nazareth. This is why many argue that the hatred between Palestinians and Zionist Jews is not a religious but national struggle. Many of the first Palestinian "terrorists" or "freedom fighters" [depending on which view you take] were Palestinian Christians. Today Palestinian Christian makeup only 2% of the Palestinian population. Research has shown that the dwindling numbers are due the Israel's continued occupation and oppression of the Palestinians. Palestinian Christians find it easier to move the western countries as they find more tolerance toward them because of their shared Christian faith.Many Israeli Jews believe that the Palestinians main goal is to "drive the Jews into the sea". However Palestinians believe that Israel's continued settlement expansion into Palestinian land is slowly destroying any hope of an independent Palestinian homeland promised to them by both Israel and the International Community. The Irony is that Palestinians often cite that it is the Israeli state through continued expansionism which is actively driving the Palestinians into the sea. This can be one reason as to why the two parties may hate each other.Another reason why Israeli Jews may hate Palestinians is because of the relatively recent phenomenon of suicide bombers which targeted Israeli civilians. However the Palestinians see such actions as a natural reaction by an oppressed people and often cite statistical figures such as; on average 15 Palestinian civilians are killed by Israel's military to every one Israeli who is killed by a Palestinian militant. For this reason organizations like Hamas are seen as 'freedom fighters' by many Palestinians including Christian Palestinians but are viewed as 'terrorists' by the vast majority of Israeli Jews.There are more reasons why the two parties may hate each other. The following list is just a few:1) Palestinian children may grow up hating Jews as in most cases the only Jew they have seen has been an Israeli soldier.2) Israeli Jews often have never met any Palestinians (except for the 20% of Palestinians who live in Israel). All they know of Palestinians is what they have seen or read in the news. This may be explained through the segregation policies of the Israeli Government.3) Thousands of Palestinians are held in Israeli jails often without charge or trial for months on end. This includes many children.4) Israeli Jews may see the Palestinians as a burden to the realization of a 'Jewish state' as they tend to have higher birth rates.5) Palestinians often feel humiliated as they are often held at Israeli checkpoints for hours on end and in many cases are harassed by Israeli soldiers. One extreme case was the recent footage of Israeli soldiers shooting a unarmed bound and blind folded Palestinian in the foot for no reason. There have been reports by human rights organizations of pregnant Palestinian women giving birth at checkpoints because Israeli soldiers have refused the woman entry to get to a hospital. The Israel Human Rights Organisation B'tsalem has many reports on Palestinians who have died at Israeli checkpoints because they were refused access to medical treatment.These are of course not all the factors which are involved in the causes of hatred in the Holy Land. Religious ignorance may also play a part. For example many Israeli Jews believe that Islam which most Palestinians follow is intolerant toward other faiths. However Judaism and Christianity have thrived in Palestine for over 1500 years under Islamic rule. This is the reason why Synagogues and Churches still remain standing today in holy cities such as Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Palestinian Christians have existed in historic Palestine for well over 2000 years. They live in relative harmony with Muslim Palestinians and often regard each other as brothers. Some Palestinians believe that all Jews wish to ethnically cleanse Palestine of all non-Jews. This is because many religious Jews in Israel view Palestine-Israel as a land for the Jews only. They believe that the land was promised to them by God. They also believe that they have divine permission to drive the Palestinians out from their homeland. However there are many secular Jews who do not hold these fundamental Jewish tenants. There are also some (1%) of Orthodox Jews who are completely anti-Zionist meaning they do not recognize the state of Israel. These Jews are even have a seat within Palestinian parliament.Conclusion:As we can see the conflict between in Palestine-Israel is very complex as are the reasons for hatred. As was the case with South Africa peace and reconciliation can only be achieved among equals. An end to Apartheid in South Africa saw in end to violence and paved the way for reconciliation. Desmond Tutu the South African archbishop has compared the current treatment of Palestinians under the Israeli Government as being worse than that of Apartheid South Africa. Unless a similar solution which freed the blacks of South Africa from oppression and brutality is found in Palestine-Israel the cycle of hatred will continue.Answer 6What Jews are angry about as concerns Palestinians is their consistent denial of historical wrongdoing and segregation (such as the dhimmi status, the jizya and kharaj taxes, and humiliation in general) towards Jews (preferring to believe like Answer 5 that everything was perfect under Muslim rule), their failure to educate their children in the virtue of tolerance (instead teaching them literalist Qur'anic interpretations which inform them that Jews are the children of swine and that jihad will not end until all Jews die), the promulgation of anti-Semitic teachings (such as the Protocols of Zion and Holocaust-Denial), their desecration of Jewish holy sites, repression of their Christian minorities and other vast human rights abuses in their native countries, their tacit or explicit endorsement of violence against the State of Israel, and a failure to accept the validity of a Jewish State.Palestinians are angered primarily, as concerns the Jews, with the issue of Jews forcibly resettling Palestinians and having eliminated hundreds of Palestinian cities. This grave violation of the Rights of the Palestinians greatly incenses them. Another issue that bothers the Palestinians and other Arabs is the Jews have, in spite of their numbers, garnered an important place in the world economy. Even though most rational Arabs realize that Jews do not actually control the economy, there are a disproportionate number of Jews in prominent economic and political positions, whereas Palestinians have been almost completely excluded from the World Economy, even by their fellow Arabs. Palestinians are also angry that Israel appears to be expanding its territory with its annexation of East Jerusalem (in contravention of the Arab understanding of UN Resolution 242) and continued settlement of the West Bank. Jews outside of Israel do not criticize these actions.

Why did Palestinians fear Jewish immigration?

Palestinians feared Jewish immigration because they (correctly) believed it to be the precursor to the establishment of an independent Jewish State. The Jews who settled in the British Mandate of Palestine made their intentions very clear. The Palestinians were afraid that a Jewish state would serve to antagonize them and make their lives worse.

Pamphlet on the philosophy of Zionism these document are mostly closely associated with the controversy over?

Control of land in the Middle East by Palestinians and Jews.

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What is the homeland of the Jews and Palestinians?

Israel is the homeland of the Jews, and Palestine is the homeland of the Palestinians. (However, there are people on both sides who disagree with this statement.)

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There is no such word as "piskapaians". Did you mean "Palestinians"?

Has the conflict in Gaza between Jews and Palestinians been resolved?

no and it never will be.

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we all hope that they will.

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No. "Hebrews" refer to the ancestors of today's Jews, and "Palestinians" refers to the modern day Arab inhabitants of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.

What is the war called between the Palestinians and the Jews called?

The facile answer would be 'Almost Continuous'.

What four groups of people identify themselves as Palestinians?

Jews, christians, arabs, and Bedowin's

What are the Israelis and Palestinians fighting for?

They're not fighting over religion. Religion has nothing to do with it. They're basically fighting over land. The Jews literally came into Palestine and "threw out" the Palestinians because they needed a place to live. So now Palestinians are trying to fight back because they want their land back. The Jews had no right to take their land away from them.