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Q: Who is specialist of ovarian cyst in India?
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ovarian cyst is an infection of ovary

Sarcoidosis could it cause ovarian cyst?

I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis in August 2009. I have numerous ovarian cyst and a complex nabothian cyst. I asked the Sarcoid specialist if there was a connection between the two and he clearly told me No. The doctors in my opinion do not know enough about Sarcoid to give a definitive answer of No...... I also have numerous cyst on my thyroid gland

What does it means when your ovarian cyst coefficient is 7.183?

An ovarian cyst is a sac of fluid that forms on or in an ovary. An ovarian cyst with coefficient 7.813 is considered to be moderately abnormal.

What if ovarian cyst co efficient is 10.272..?

What if ovarian cyst coefficient is she have a malignant cancer?

What is the normal measurement of Ovarian cyst?

there isn't really a normal size for an ovarian cyst. They can vary from as small as a pea to fairly large in comparison to your ovary. The only time size is concerning is when it is abnormally large or growing. These are things your gyn should be monitoring,or a specialist,if required.

What are the different types of ovarian cyst?

i have a septated ovarian cyst 2.7 cm and 6.2mm thickening of endomertrium what causes this ?

Can ovarian cysts cause baldness?

it will be the sam casu of baldness teh cas of ovarian cyst but it is not confirmed. ovarian cyst is a normatl cyst for women and all of them will have usualy and it will disapir withen the manistration period

Is a 6cm ovarian cyst considered big I was told I had an ovarian cyst and that's how bi it was It hurts terribly bad They're going to surgically remove it?

Yes, a 6 cm ovarian cyst is considered to be a little big.

Is Lachesis effective in left ovarian cyst?

Yes, if the cyst is hemorrhagic.

Can you have a ovarian cyst twice?


What happens when an ovarian cyst rapture?

If you have an ovarian cyst that has ruptured, you will feel sudden and severe abdominal and pelvic pain. You may also have a fever and vomiting and you should seek medical attention right away if you think you have a ruptured ovarian cyst.

Where does the fluid go when a ovarian cyst ruptures?

When an ovarian cyst ruptures, the fluid ends up in the cul-de-sac due to gravity.