

India Health

Questions about life expectancy, diseases and health care and other health-related topics in India.

162 Questions

Are you alive meaning in Malayalam?

Well, honey, in Malayalam, "Are you alive?" would be "നീ ജീവിക്കുന്നുണ്ടോ?" pronounced as "Nī jīvikkuṇṇuṇṭō?" So, if you're trying to check if someone's breathing in Malayalam, that's the phrase you're looking for. Stay sassy, my friend!

What is most effective ointment for piles available in India?

At Yazh Healthcare in Coimbatore, we understand the discomfort and inconvenience that piles (hemorrhoids) can cause. For effective relief, several ointments are commonly recommended in India due to their proven efficacy and positive patient feedback.

One of the most effective ointments for piles available in India is Anovate Cream. This ointment combines anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, and antiseptic properties, making it highly effective in reducing pain, itching, and swelling associated with piles.

Another widely used option is Preparation H. This ointment is known for its soothing effect and ability to shrink hemorrhoidal tissue, providing significant relief from discomfort.

Proctosedyl Ointment is also popular and effective, containing hydrocortisone and local anesthetic to alleviate pain and inflammation quickly.

At Yazh Healthcare, we recommend consulting with a healthcare professional to determine the best treatment option tailored to your specific condition and symptoms. Our experienced team is here to provide personalized care and ensure you receive the most effective treatment for your piles.

Can amoeba damage liver and brain tissues?

Amoebas like Entamoeba histolytica can cause damage to the liver by invading and creating abscesses, a condition known as amoebic liver abscess. However, amoebas typically do not damage brain tissues as they primarily affect the intestines. In rare cases, neurological symptoms can occur if the infection spreads.

Who is Dr Ramesh Singh Chouhan who is said to have worked on healing and Aura?

Dr Ramesh Singh Chouhan is an Indian oncologist specializing in treatment of liver cancer. He is also very knowledgeable and successful in treatment of other cancers with a mix of conventional and natural medicines and treatments. He is also a great humanitarian unspoiled by greed and renders his services frequently free of charge, instead directing those who can afford to pay to donate medicine and treatments to those who can not. He is well known in Europe, USA and Canada and worshipped by those whose lives he saved when other doctors gave up. He represents a mix of modern thinking and inspiration derived from Vedic science combined with great curiosity, open mind and soft heart.

I am Canadian, know him very well, and am greatly honoured to be his friend.

Health tourism in kerala?

Health tourism in kerala about Ayurveda could be one of the oldest type of treatments. Kerala could be the one of the pioneer place in India for different types of Ayurveda Therapy. Ayurveda Kerala now has literally implies the therapy one would get at an Ayurveda spa or Ayurveda resort within the locations of lakes, hills or beaches.

How Medical tourism is concluded in India?

India is a good location to receive medical treatments and considered a leader in promoting medical tourism.

Since the government is actively participating in the expansion of this industry, there is much investment in the facilities and resources needed for medical tourists. Including the production of an estimated 20, 000 - 30,000 doctors and nurses each year.

At an approximate growth of 30% each year, studies conducted by government and private sectors in India estimate that medical tourism could bring between $1 billion and $2 billion US into India by 2012.

With all this investment, as well as the growing nature of this competitive market, patients from western countries are usually offered high quality service packages at a fraction of the treatment cost in the home country. These packages often include:

  • flight
  • transfers
  • hotels
  • treatment
  • post-operative vacation

What does Katrina Kaif prefer being Muslim or Christian?

yes she has prayed like a Muslim and she also khow's the first qalma...she told me when i was in London with salman khan's and mine family on dinner with Katrina kaif..i m 18 and i am also cansarian like Katrina kaif.I love Katrina kaif so muchhhh

Which important human right is protected in Article 21 of the Constitution of India?

Article 22 of Constitution of India

Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases-

(1) No person who is arrested shall be detained in custody without being informed, as soon as may be, of the grounds for such arrest nor shall he be denied the right to consult, and to be defended by, a legal practitioner of his choice.

(2) Every person who is arrested and detained in custody shall be produced before the nearest magistrate within a period of twenty-four hours of such arrest excluding the time necessary for the journey from the place of arrest to the court of the magistrate and no such person shall be detained in custody beyond the said period without the authority of a magistrate.

(3) Nothing in clauses (1) and (2) shall apply-

(a) to any person who for the time being is an enemy alien; or

(b) to any person who is arrested or detained under any law providing for preventive detention.

(4) No law providing for preventive detention shall authorise the detention of a person for a longer period than three months unless-

(a) an Advisory Board consisting of persons who are, or have been, or are qualified to be appointed as, Judges of a High Court has reported before the expiration of the said period of three months that there is in its opinion sufficient cause for such detention:

Provided that nothing in this sub-clause shall authorise the detention of any person beyond the maximum period prescribed by any law made by Parliament under sub-clause (b) of clause (7); or

(b) such person is detained in accordance with the provisions of any law made by Parliament under sub-clauses (a) and (b) of clause (7).

(5) When any person is detained in pursuance of an order made under any law providing for preventive detention, the authority making the order shall, as soon as may be, communicate to such person the grounds on which the order has been made and shall afford him the earliest opportunity of making a representation against the order.

(6) Nothing in clause (5) shall require the authority making any such order as is referred to in that clause to disclose facts which such authority considers to be against the public interest to disclose.

(7) Parliament may by law prescribe-

(a) the circumstances under which, and the class or classes of cases in which, a person may be detained for a period longer than three months under any law providing for preventive detention without obtaining the opinion of an Advisory Board in accordance with the provisions of sub-clause (a) of clause (4);

(b) the maximum period for which any person may in any class or classes of cases be detained under any law providing for preventive detention; and

(c) the procedure to be followed by an Advisory Board in an inquiry under sub-clause (a) of clause (4).

What kinds of medicines do they use in India?

In India they have a form of medicine and treatment called Ayurveda. In this system, people have different constitutions called doshas and are treated accordingly. Lots of focus is placed on nutrition, herbs and lifestyle factors as a means of prevention and treatment.

Full form of English?

ENGLISH - England Natives General Language for Irish, Scottish and Hales.

What kind of food should you eat according to Sikhism --- Is it ok to eat meat?

EVERYTHING! except Halal and Kosher meats as Sikhs don't believe it is right to pray over killing. It is a common misconseption that Sikhs cant eat meat but there is no mention of this in the holy book, it is open to interpretation but most baptised Sikhs will stick to a vegetarian diet but in theory they can eat meat just not Halal and Kosher meat, the Sikh's last living Guru, Guru Gobind Singh told Sikhs to never eat halal meat.

Visit for more information on what its like to be a Sikh and examples of famous Sikhs who have lived blissful lives due to the presence of the guru in their lives.

Why people live in slums in cities of India?

to get a better life or they feel like living in the cities is for them! to get a better life or they feel like living in the cities is for them! to get a better life or they feel like living in the cities is for them!

List of top 20 mnc's in India?

Top mnc's company

1. Microsoft

2. Ibm

3. Nokia

4. Vodafone

5. Reebok international limited

6. Sony

7. Pepsico

8. Coca-cola

9. Intel

10. Toyota

What is the most important meal of the day in India?

Some staple foods are chupatties [a flabread , which can be plain or seasoned ], lots of rice , ghee , which is clarified butter and delicious . lots of vegetables, generally no beef for the Hindus and no pork for the Muslims. Fowl of all types, fish , and yogurt . The biggest differences are the seasonings.

How much does a meal cost in India?

depends on where and what you choose to eat if you eat on the road stalls or a 5star or Michelin starred restaurant.

Street food is as low as 1 dollar to a say about 5dollars

dinner at a decent restaurant for 2 people will be around 300 to 500 Ruppees

How did the unification affected the growth of the respective countries?

  • It help to make unity among people's .
  • People are able to follow constitutions rule and it also give all rights to the people .
  • Now people can do any work without paying taxes or dues.
  • People can now able to protest against goverment if any wrong things happens.

What is the number of illegal working children in India?

The number of illegal children working is too high. It is because of poverty.

Has india always been a part of asia?

India has been considered part of Asia since that concept has been in use. It's the seventh largest country in the world and has the second largest population on Earth.

Famous women in india?

Rani Lakshmi of Jhansi

Bee-gum Hazrat Mahal

sarojini Naidu

Kasturba Gandhi

Indira Gandhi

Ila Bhat

Industrialisation affect India?

It changed how the nation made $, from argricultural to industrial. In the beginning, Jefferson wished that we would stay an agrarian society, while Alexander Hamilton wanted to industrialize. So, in the end, Hamilton apparently got his wish. (Though it took a while.)

How did India's geography affect the growth of it's civilization?

The waters of India influenced the devlopment by building the mauyra empire "Empire of the Golden Age" as ahsoka built the empire he had converted to buddism and stopped the war that he had declared in a city that is unknown.The waters an the monsoons helped by blowing the air of regratation or greif of the Himalayas. This is how the waters and mountains influenced the devolment of Indian civilization.