

Who is the German president that made Hitler chancellor?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Who is the German president that made Hitler chancellor?
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Who made Hitler chancellor of Germany?

He was appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg.

Who was president of Germany during the Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler was President at the time of the Holocaust. Hitler was made Chancellor and President, this new "role" was called Fuhrer. This is what ultimately made Hitler a Dictator.

What year did Hilter become Chancellor of Germany?

Adolf Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor by President Hindenburg on 30 January 1933 as the head of a coalition government made up of the NSDAP (Nazis) and the conservative nationalist DNVP (German Nationalists).In August 1934, following the death of President Hindenburg, Hitler proclaimed himself Führer (Leader) of Germany. He remained in office till he committed suicide on 30 April 1945.

Who appointed Adolf Hitler president of Germany?

Hitler was the leader of the largest party in the Reichstag (national legislature). In 1933, Reich President Hindenberg appointed Hitler as Reich Chancellor (prime minister). This made Hitler head of government. He then used this position to supress his opponents and enact laws that made him the sole leader of a one-party state.

How long can a German chancellor stay in office?

They German Chancellor is the head of the German government. The Chancellor is elected by Parliament through a majority vote, once The President has made a proposal. The Chancellor is allowed a four-year term of office.

When did Hitler comes to power in Germany?

He was appointed Chancellor of Germany on 30 January 1933.(see related question)In January 1933, Hitler was made Chancellor (Prime minister) of Germany.As the economic problems grew worse in Germany, the Nazis got more and more votes in the elections. In 1932, the Nazi Party won the highest number of seats in the Reichstag = the German parliament.In March 1933, the Reichstag accepted the Enabling Act which gave Hitler the power to make his own laws = he became a dictator.When Hindenburg, the German President, died in 1934,Hitler took over the office of President +leader of the army and called himself "fuehrer". (Führer= German for leader = President+Chancellor+Commander of the army.) He became the German Chancellor on 30 January 1933 and the Fuher on 2 August 1934.Hitler gained control over Germany in 1933. He was appointed Chancellor on January 30, 1933, and between then and the death of the German president (Paul von Hindenburg) on August 2, 1934, Hitler and the Nazi party gradually assumed supreme authority in Germany.(see related question)

Who made Hitler a chancellor and why?

'hilter was voted by the people of Germany' is correct but rather vague,President Hindenburg made him chancellor after telling Hitler just weeks before 'how will i answer to god if i make you chancellor'. Hindenburg did this out of the German benefit and Hitler was voted positively. Hindenburg did not want this but the German people did, and Hindenburg couldn't refuse otherwise he would have looked like a terrible president.Expanded:President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler chancellor after much hesitation (due to the fact that Hindenberg simply didn't like Adolf Hitler, or the Nazis. He ran for President under no party, but leaned toward the conservative side). In the end it came down to the threat of communism, and Hindenburg feared that the Nazis were the only party strong enough to protect Germany's middle class. - j

What percent of the votes was Hitler elected chanceler with?

In Novemer 1932 the Nazis (NSDAP) received 34% of the popular vote, which made them the largest party in the Reichstag but did not give them an overall majority. Hitler was appointed Chancellor on 30 Janaury 1933.

When did Hitler take the power in German?

He was made chancellor on 30 January 1933, but acquired full power over Germany after president Paul von Hindenburg passed away in August of 1934.

What position did Hitler hold in the German government?

In a technical sense, Hitler was the Chancellor of Germany. This made him the head of state. But he is remembered primarily as a dictator and his title when he was in full control of the country was Fuhrer which means "Leader.".

Why was Paul Von Hindenburg important?

During World War I, he was a general who commanded the German Army, initially in the war against Russia. After much success there, he was made the overall commander of all German forces, and by the end of the war, he was so powerful that he was the virtual dictator of Germany. After the war, he eventually became President of Germany. In Germany, the President is a lot like the Queen of England- technically has a lot of power, but the reality is that they don't really use it... and just like the Prime Minister in England, the German Chancellor is normally the one who actually runs the government. But Germany's chancellors in the 1920's-1930's had problems getting anything done because of their crazy election system and numerous conflicting political parties, so Hindenburg was forced to use his Presidential powers to force things to get done. Hindenburg was a key player in the rise of the Nazis in the early 1930's. Hitler ran for President in 1932 and was badly defeated by Hindenburg, who, despite being a very old man at that point (in his mid 80's), was still a popular war hero. Hindenburg didn't like Hitler, but was forced by political machinations to make Hitler the Chancellor in 1933. For the first year or so of Hitler's reign as Chancellor, Hindenburg, as President and popular war hero, was the only thing stopping Hitler from taking total control. If there was a civil war between Hitler and Hindenburg, Hindenburg could count on the German Army to support him. So Hitler had to be careful not to totally anger Hindenburg. When Hindenburg died in summer 1934, Hitler chose to not hold elections to replace him- instead, he merged the President's powers into the Chancellor's, and made himself the absolute dictator of Germany.

Who made Hitler become chancellor?

Paul Hindenburg