

Who is the first person that was in a eating disorder?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It is not exactly known. Eating disorders weren't officially documented as medical disorders until the 1800s. There were, however, many ancient reports that date back to Medevil and even some that go back to ancient Greece that have reports (often from poets or priests) of people exhibiting eating-disorder-like habits such as starving themselevs, throwing up after eating, or eating on foods such as berries and nuts.

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Q: Who is the first person that was in a eating disorder?
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Because this is a medical issue, the first person to ask is your family doctor. If they can not help you directly, they will send you to a person who can determine if you have an eating disorder and help you if you do.

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An eating disorder is a psychological disorder in which the person has disturbed or abnormal eating habits. Anorexia and bulimia are eating disorders.

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With symptoms like that, a person may be suffering from a binge-eating disorder, a compulsive-over-eating disorder, or an emotional eating disorder.

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Family and friends (all relationships, really) play a large role in a person's eating disroder. It can cause an eating disorder or cause it to be worse, but, on the other hand, support can help a person with an eating disroder to recover.

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Karen Carpenter

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One can find treatment centers for people with an eating disorder by visiting a local hospital. They are able to refer the person who has an eating disorder to a treatment center that will help them out.

Eating disorder that involves starvation?

Anorexia Nervosa is the eating disorder in which a person chooses to starve themselves. There are many characteristics that define an anorectic person. Anorexia is a deadly disease that is not to be taken lightly.

Why might 2 different magazines affect a person with an eating disorder?

The things is that, the person with eating disorder eats, uncontrolled and they wont think at all before eating, so in magazine what ever they see, they use to thing of having dat, and this affects their eating habit.