

Who is the founder of Shinto?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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12y ago

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Most scholars agree that there was at least one migration from East Asia and perhaps another from Central Asia to the ancient Japanese Archipelago, though there is no consensus as to where Shinto first developed. Early Shinto can be traced back into the mists of the Jōmon period; for full text, see link "Wikipedia: Shinto" on left There never was a real owner to the Shinto civillization it was made out of Peace and love

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Q: Who is the founder of Shinto?
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Who is is the founder of Shintoism?

there is no real founder of the Shinto religion

Who is credited with establishing the religion Shinto?

Shinto is not credited to any particular founder.

Where did Shinto religion originate?

Shinto means 'Way of the Gods'. It is the traditional and ancient religion of Japan, without a founder

Who founded shintoism and when?

Shinto is not credited to any particular founder.

Who is the founder of the Shinto religion?

No one; from what I have read, it evolved with the people of Japan. Shinto(ism) also has no official formalized system of doctrine or sacred texts. There is debate on the time period when Shinto originated,

What does the Shinto religon worship?

Shinto is the term for indigenous religious beliefs and practices of Japan. Shinto has no founder or offical sacred scriptures and no fixed creeds. It has preserved its beliefs and rituals throughout the ages. The order of Shinto (way to kami) came into place to distinguis indigenous Japanese beliefs from Buddihism.

What religion originated in Japan?

The religion that is unique to japan, is known as Shinto

When was Shinto made?

Shintoism has no actual date of foundation or a specific founder. But it is believed to be the first religion in Japan.

Who was the founder of Shinto?

Shinto is an ancient animistic religion of Japan that is very loosely organized and it varies from village to village. It doesn't have a founder, it is that old. Many Japanese practice both Shinto and Buddhism since Buddhism was introduced to Japan a couple thousand years ago. They practice Buddhism for their everyday lives, and Shinto is used for things like a death, a birth, ancestor remembrance and veneration, the afterlife

Who started Shinto?

Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan. Like Hinduism, it is not credited to any particular founder. The Japanese gave their religious beliefs a name, in order to preserve the religion, while Buddhism & Confucianism were entering into their country.

What country found Shinto?

Shintoism begun in the year 500 BC in Japan. Shintoism had no specific founder but it eventually became the official religion of Japan.

How is Shinto unique?

Yes Shinto is its own distinct religion. Indigenous to Japan focuses on the the balance of kami or invisible spiritual force. The most recognizable aspect of Shinto is by far the red cross beam arch that marks a shrine.