

Best Answer

Micheal Jordan and his buddies bill Cosby, Micheal Jackson, Joe Biden, Gordan Ramsey, Bob Ross, Tom Cruise (Mission Impossible variation), James Bond, Captain Amerca, Black Panther (Alive), Kobe Bryant (retired), Andrew Jackson (slave owning), John Wilkes Booth, Bill Clinton, Grover Cleveland, that distinguished fellow from south park, Calvin K., Fruit by the foot, the cast from grown ups, NonStopJoshb, James Madison, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John J, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Patrick Henry, Benny Frank, Samuel Adams, Mark Twain, Jason Dries, Truman, my bestest companion bob, Spongebob (crip)

crackhead lady at 7/11, Bin Laden, Calven coolidge, Warren G., George Floyd (Alive), William Henry harryson, Bill Nye, Franklin Pierce, Van Helsen, Morbius (Its Morbin time), Morbidly obese hamster, That gangbanging bunny from secret lifes of pets, my backspace key, my boy senatar Armstrong, 9RX 640 Tractor($174,286,734.06), Auguste Picard, 57°12'03.0"N 116°53'49.2"W, 27°07'41.2"S 109°21'00.5"W, Frank Josph Doyle, Tamera C Thurman, William R. Ruth

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1y ago
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15y ago

Well there are many leaders of kkk. If you mean the person who founded it all his name was Nathan Bedford Forrest and he was born 7/13/1821 so that would make him 187 years old as of today. Interesting note: I just learned this so thanks for asking this question, In 1871 a Bill called "The Force Bill" was passed by congress. The act gave the President the authority to allow us troops to engage the KKK.

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12y ago

Thomas Robb is the leader of the "Knights Party", the modern day name for the KKK. if you Google him, you'll also find a blog. It's very disturbing and propagandist - proceed with caution. I'm doing a paper on the KKK and, frankly, it's kind of freaking me out.

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12y ago

the leader is always changing some thinks its the "president "of the KKK but its realy called the grand dragon

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11y ago

Mickaël Jackson is the leader of the KKK

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Did the KKK have a leader?

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Grand Dragon

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grand wizard.

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He was named after Nathan Bedford Forrest, who was the first leader of the KKK (the Ku Klux Klan).

Who is the first president of KKK?

Brian A. Scates was voted in 1867 to be the first President and leader of the Ku Klux Klan.

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Who were the children killed by KKK?

emmette till, 14- year old boy.