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The speaker is a person who regularly reminds the community of the laws by implying that a rule was broken without giving a name but the entire community already knows who it was. Just like when Jonas took the apple, a "reminder" was told to the community to not take food out of a specific place, but Jonas knew it was directed at him. Hope this helps anyone! -Vanessa

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The speaker in "The Giver" is Jonas, the main character in the story. He shares his experiences and thoughts as he navigates a dystopian society.

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What does the role of the speaker do in the giver?

The Speaker in "The Giver" is responsible for recording and conveying the rules and ceremonies of the community, ensuring that everyone is aware of the expectations and guidelines set by the Elders. The Speaker's role is integral in maintaining order and social cohesion within the community.

What did the speaker announced in the giver?

In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, the Speaker announces the Assignments of the children turning twelve. These Assignments determine the roles and responsibilities each child will have in the community based on their abilities and traits.

What is the role of the speaker in the book the giver?

The role of the Speaker in "The Giver" is to announce daily community announcements and ceremonies, serve as the voice of authority, and communicate official information to the community. The Speaker's role is to maintain order and convey important messages to the inhabitants of the community.

Why is the speaker turned off the giver?

The speaker turned off the giver because they felt overwhelmed by the weight of the emotions and memories being shared. Shutting down was a coping mechanism to protect themselves from feeling too much.

Where in the book the giver is the word permeate?

The word "permeate" is used in the book "The Giver" in Chapter 1 when Jonas notices that the Speaker's voice is "permeated with a warmth" that is unusual. It signifies the feeling of comfort and kindness that Jonas experiences as he listens to the Speaker.

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Why did The speaker turn off The Giver?

The speaker turned off The Giver because it contained sensitive or disturbing content that they believed was not suitable for public consumption or because they disagreed with the messages being conveyed by the speaker.

Is The Giver third person?

Yes, the noun 'giver' is normally in the third person, the one spoken about: Who is the giver of these cookies? Mrs. Fields is the giver of these cookies.However, the noun 'giver' is sometimes used the first person, the speaker: I am a giver of advice.Or 'giver' is sometimes used in the second person, the one spoken to: You are a giver of advice.

What does this mean I am so weighted with them the giver?

It means: He is weighted with memories.

Where is the annex room located in the book the giver?

In the book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, the annex room is located in the House of Old, where Jonas goes to receive memories from The Giver. The annex room is isolated and private, allowing Jonas and The Giver to have their meetings undisturbed.

What characters are round in The Giver?

In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, the character Jonas can be described as round. He is multi-dimensional and experiences significant growth and change throughout the story, showing a range of emotions, thoughts, and motivations. Other round characters include The Giver himself, who plays a complex role in the novel.

Is the giver married in the book the giver.?

In the book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, the protagonist, the Giver, is not explicitly mentioned as being married. The focus of the story is primarily on the relationship between the Giver and Jonas, the main character.