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The Renaissance (which means rebirth) was a period of "rebirth" in the classics (the Romans and the Greeks) which begun in Italy in the 14th century. Petrarch, the father of Humanism, a philosophical movement, advocated that education of the elites should be based on Latin literature and rhetoric to learn from the Roman masters. This led also to a wider interest in the Romans and to scholars travelling around European monasteries in search of copies of Roman manuscripts to find out about Roman history and learning. At interest of Roman statues architecture came to deeply influence European sculpture and architecture.

Interest in the Greeks arose with the conquest of Constantinople by the ottoman Turks. Many Greek scholars went to Italy and elsewhere to teach Greek and Greek philosophy, literature and science.

Charlemagne also contributed to keep Roman culture in the early 9th century. He commissioned monks and abbots to transcribe Roman manuscripts. Without this, they would have been lost.

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