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Q: Who most likely supported the political ideas and policies of Alexander Hamilton?
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Which of these groups most likely supported the political ideas and the policies of Alexander hamilton?

business owners

What was a response to Alexander Hamilton's domestic policies?

The Whiskey Rebillion

Who did George Washington put in charge of economic policies?

Alexander Hamilton

Which was a direct attack against Alexander Hamilton's policies?

The Whiskey Rebellion

Who did George Washington put in change of the government's economic policies?

George Washington put Alexander Hamilton in charge of economic polices.

Which party formed in the 1790s to support the policies of Alexander Hamilton?

Federalist Party

In response to Alexander Hamilton's financial policies two political parties came into existence during the presidency of George Washington Hamilton supporters formed the party?

the two parties were the federalists and the anti-federalists. hamilton supporters were members of the federalist party The whiskey rebellion

Who were Abigail Adams enemies?

Abigail Adams had political enemies, such as Alexander Hamilton and Federalists who opposed her husband, John Adams, and his policies. She also clashed with Thomas Jefferson and his Democratic-Republican party over their differing political views and policies.

What party's ideas began with Hamilton?

The Federalist Party's ideas were strongly influenced by Alexander Hamilton, who advocated for a strong federal government, a national bank, and a strong industrial economy. The party believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution and favored policies that supported businesses and economic growth.

Who benefited from Alexander Hamilton's financial policies?

The wealthy.Please go to IT WILL BE VERY INTERESTING :) ahahahaha

Hamilton's first financial policies were intended?

The intention of Hamilton's initial financial policies was for the federal government to assume the debts the states owed, and fund the national debt. Alexander Hamilton severed as the 1st United States Secretary of the Treasury.

Which two members of George Washington's cabinet disagreed about forgien and domestic policies?

Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton