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If you mean his expedition to Florida, he did so at his own expense.

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Ferdinand ll of Aragon paid for ponce de Leons voyage.

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He sponsored his own trip.

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Spain, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.

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Q: Who paid for Hernando De Soto's expedition?
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When was Hernando de sotos born?

Hernando de Soto was born sometime between 1496 and 1497. It is not known for sure.c.1500

Who paid Hernando De Soto expedition?

Spain, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.

In what year was de sotos expedition?


What was Hernando De Sotos goal?

Hernando de Soto's main goal is to conquer and explore Florida and bring back gold,silver,and riches for the king and queen

When was de sotos last expedition?

Hernando De Soto explored in all from 1514 until his death in Florida, sometime May in the year 1542.

Did hudsons expedition take place befor or after de sotos?


DId Hudson expedition take place before or after de sotos?


Did Hudson's expedition take place before or after de sotos?


Did Hudson's expedition take place or after de Sotos?

haha i know not

Did hudsons expedition take place before or after de sotos?
