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Hawaii became a U. S. territory in 1898 through the Newlands Resolution. It was written by and named after U. S. Congressman Francis G. Newlands. It was approved by both houses of congress on July 4, 1898 and signed by President McKinley on July 7, 1898.

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Q: Who proclaimed Hawaii as an American territory?
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Who proclaimed Hawaii an American territory in 1898?

The United States Congress

Who proclaimed Christmas as a holiday in Hawaii?

Kamehameha IV was the king of Hawaii who proclaimed Christmas as a national holiday in Hawaii in 1862. His reign was from 1855 to 1863.

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Hawaii became a US territory by?

The road to Hawaii becoming a territory began with the signing of the 1887 Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii which stripped power from the Hawaiian monarchy and transferred it to American, European, and other native Hawaiian. The last monarch of Hawaii, Queen Liliʻuokalani, was overthrown and was replaced by a provisional government which eventually became the Republic of Hawaii. For the next 60 years, the US Hawaii as a territory in order to maintain plantations and the importation of cheap labor.

What was Hawaii called in 1950?

The Territory of Hawaii.

When proclaimed Christmas as a holiday in Hawaii?

doo be doo be doo

What was Hawaii's government like before American imperialism?

It was the Territory of Hawaii with a Governor appointed by the President of the US. bascily it was a monarch..

When did Hawaii become a territory?

it became a territory in 1898

What was the last territory gained by the US?

The Hawaii territory

Who did Hawaii belong to prior to the US?

It was an Independent Kingdom, The Republic of Hawaii and the Territory of Hawaii before it became a US State.

What was the name of Hawaii before 1959?

A small group calling themselves the Committee of Safety overthrew the government of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 and established the Republic of Hawaii. The US annexed Hawaii as a Territory in 1898. Hawaii was never purchased. It became a US State in 1959. A Joint Apology Resolution was issued by the Congress in 1993.