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Ronald Reagan was president 1984-1988, George H.W. Bush served 1988-1992, and was followed by Bill Clinton 1992-2000. Bush conducted the successful Desert Shield - Desert Storm that drove Saddam and Iraq out of Kuwait. With Reagan raising taxes in his second term to counter the ruinous deficits caused by his first-term tax cuts, Bush was forced to raise taxes again. It was Democrat Bill Clinton, in partnership with GOP's Newt Gingrich, that led to 7 years of budgetary surpluses that put the United States on a solid financial footing - until Bush 2's tax cuts while borrowing money to fight the 2003 war in Iraq that again caused huge deficits.

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Q: Who served as president from 1984 through 1993 and is best known for continuing Reagan's economic policies as well as for a successful military campaign in the Persian Gulf War?
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