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Q: Who used West African slaves as the labor force on plantations?
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African slaves were brought to the Americas to supply labor for?

African slaves were brought to the Americas to supply cheap and forced labor for agricultural industries, such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton plantations. They were also used in mining and other industries to help the European colonies in the Americas prosper economically.

Originally African slaves were brought to the Americas to supply labor for the?

sugarcane plantations

African slaves were brought to the Americas to supply what kind of labor?

African slaves were brought to the Americas to supply labor for agriculture, mining, and other industries that required large amounts of manual work.

Why planters in the Americas began to use African slaves for labor?

aztecs refused to work on plantations

Why did people use slaves in the 1500s?

Slaves were needed for sugar plantations, gold & silver mines and hard force of labor.

Colony that turned to disease-resistant African slaves for labor in its extensive rice plantations?

South Carolina

Colony that turned to disease- resistant African slaves for labor in its extensive rice plantations?

South Carolina adopted the use of disease-resistant West African slaves in its rice plantations. These slaves brought knowledge of rice cultivation, contributing to the success of the rice industry in the region. Their resistance to diseases such as malaria also made them preferable for work in the challenging plantation environments.

The labor system of the british west indies sugar plantations relied almost entirely on?

A. The importation of African Slaves.

Who were brought to America to farm tobacco on plantations?

Slaves were brought to America to farm tobacco on plantations.

Who provided the labor to grow tobacco on PLANTATIONS?

Slaves were the main labor source for large plantations.

Life on plantations during the civil war?

Life on plantationsMany plantations used African slaves for the hard labor, such as cotton, rice, indigo or tobacco.

Who provided much of the labor on the plantations?

Black slaves from Africa.