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Goerge Washington

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Q: Who wasThe guy who was sort-of the first American president?
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Is Barack Obama the first American president of the US?

No, he is the 44th president of the United Sates. However, he is the first African-American president.

Is there an African American president?

Yes there is,Barack Oboma was the first African American president.

Who wasThe first million pound foreign footballer?

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What was Barack Obama was the first African American president of?

Barack Obama was the first African American president of the United States. He served as the 44th president from 2009 to 2017.

Who was the first minority president?

The first minority President is President Barack Obama. He is half African American and Caucasian. Most people refer to him as African American.

Which president is the first president of African American descent?

Barack Obama is the first Africa-American president of the United States. He was elected for the first time in 2008 and re-elected in 2012.

Who was the first african american vice president?

The US has never had an African-American Vice President.

Who was the first american president to live?

The first American president was George Washington, who served from 1789 to 1797. He lived until 1799.

Who is the first African American president of the Unioted States?

Barack Obama is the first American president with any certified African ancestry.

Was Barack Obama the first African American nominee for president?

He was the first African-American nominee for President from a major political party.

When was the first African American elect national ffa president?

In 1977, the first African American elected National FFA President.

Was John Adams president in the time of the American Revolution?

No, there was no President then. George Washington, our first President, became President right after the American Revolution