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The Treaty to transfer the Canal was done by Jimmy Carter, but Bill Clinton was President on the date the Canal was transferred.

Bob McMillan

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Q: Who was President when you gave back the Panama Canal?
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What is an important history fact of Panama?

On September 7, 1977, President Jimmy Carter signed the Panama Canal Treaty. The US gave control of the Panama Canal back to Panama in 2000.

Who was the president who gave up the Panama Canal?

Jimmy Carter

Who controls the Panama Canal?

The United States gave it to Panama. So Panama controls the canal.

Who owned the area of the Panama Canal?

Panama owns the Panama Canal. Although the US had control over the Canal Zone from 1903 to 1979, the treaty was eventually amended in 1977.

The US gave control of the Panama Canal to Panama in?

in 1999

Who decided to build the Panama Canal?

President Jimmy Carter, although the USA really created the nation of Panama to get the canal in the first place, so President Jimmy Carter was actually doing the right thing when he gave Panama the right to control something that was built on their land in the first place. Panama still allows the USA to have a say in how the canal is run.

Who gave up building the Panama Canal?

French interests headed by de Lessups (who had built the Suez Canal) originally tried constructing the Panama Canal but went bankrupt and gave up.

How could Reagan argue that Carter lost or Gave away the Panama Canal?

Ronald Reagan could argue that Carter lost or gave away the Panama Canal because Carter did give away the Panama Canal. Carter felt that it wasn't on American land.

Where does the Panama Canal go?

The Panama Canal is owned by Li Ka Shing, a Hong Kong based billionaire, and is run by the Panama Canal Authority.

What did the US agree to do with the Panama Canal in 1978?

In 1978 the United States government voted a treaty. By this treaty or promise, the United States gave the ownership of the Panama Canal to the country of Panama in the year 2000.

What does the Panama Canal runs through?

From my geography school days I remember that they called it the 'Panama' canal because it runs through Poland, Austria, Nigeria, Argentina, Malta, and Azerbaijan in that order, hence the letters of each of those countries gave it the name...Panama Canal!

Why did the French stop building the Panama canal?

the french company ran out of money and support from the french people for this venture