

Best Answer
  • According to the Book of Exodus, Moses was born in a time when his people, the Children of Israel, were increasing in numbers and the Egyptian Pharaoh was worried that they might ally with Egypt's enemies.
  • Moses' Hebrew mother, Jochebed, secretly hid him.
  • Through the Pharaoh's sister Queen Bithia, the child was adopted as a foundling from the Nile river and grew up with the Egyptian royal family.
  • After killing an Egyptian slavemaster, Moses fled across the Red Sea to Midian, where he encountered the God of Israel in the form of a "burning bush".
  • Refer to link below for more information.
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Q: Who was Ramses wife that grew Moses?
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How was Moses related to Ramses?

Moses and Ramses were not related by blood, but as Moses was adopted.

Are Moses and pharaoh brothers?

Yes. Moses' "brother's" name was Ramses. I'm not sure which one but i know his name was Ramses.

In what way was Moses related to Ramses?

By adoption.

Who was Moses's brothet?

Moses didn't have a half brother. But he did grow up in the palace of Pharoah and was treated as one of his sons. So Pharoah's son would have considered Moses as a brother.But he was consideredas the half brother of ramses.

What was the name of the ruler in Moses' time?

Ramses III

Who is ramsis?

Ramses was the Pharaoh when Moses lead the Isrealites out of Egypt

Moses grew up and was educated in where?

Moses grew up in the Pharaohs palace, and was educated there.

Who was ramses II's favorite wife?

Ramses II's favorite wife is Nefertiti but we know little about her. Ramses II built a temple for her and she had a beautiful tomb.

Who grew Egypt through trade and war?

Ramses II

Which story was Moses in?

Moses was in the Book of the Exodus, which describes the life of Moses. Moses was sent down the Nile River by his mother to save him from his death. The Pharaoh's wife finds Moses and takes him as a sign from the gods. Moses grows up as a prince of Egypt with Ramses II. Soon, Moses finds his sister, also finding out that he is not an Egyptian, but a Hebrew. He runs away from Egypt after killing an Egyptian while trying to protect a Hebrew slave. He lives in the desert for many years living with a tribe of Hebrews. One day, Moses finds the burning bush and received a message from God. He says that Moses must go back to Egypt to free his people. So Moses did as told, but the pharaoh, Ramses II, did not free the Hebrews. God got angry, and sent 10 plagues down on Egypt consisting of insects and gross bugs. On the last plague, Ramses's son died. Ramses agreed to have Moses's people go. when they made it to the Red Sea, Ramses decided to take back the decision and send his troops out to retrieve the Hebrews, but God let the Hebrews go through the Red Sea without harm and flushed all of Ramses's troops. Moses finds Canaan with all of the other Hebrews and lives a good life.

According to Genesis pharaoh's daughter found Moses which would make Ramses Moses' grandfather yes?

There is no mention in the Bible specifically identifying the pharaoh's daughter who found Moses as being the daughter of Ramses. The Bible records that she is referred to as Pharaoh's daughter, but her identity is not further specified.

Was Ramses II the youngest child of his family?

Ramses the Second was not the youngest in his family. He had a younger sibling named Moses, the chosen man Godpicked to ask Ramses to "let my people go".