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Only one US president resigned and extramarital affairs were not a factor. Bill Clinton was impeached due to evidence of such an affair but was not convicted and did not leave office.

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Newt Gingrich

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Q: Who was forced to resign because of rumors of having an affair after the impeachment of bill Clinton?
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After the impeachment of Bill Clinton was forced to resign amid rumors of his own extramarital affair?

Newt Gingrich

Who was forced to resign amid rumors of his own extramarital affair after the impeachment of bill Clinton?

Newt Gingrich resigned his position in Congress after the impeachment proceedings amid rumors of marital infidelity.

Why was Nixon forced to resign because?

his impending impeachment for his role in the watergate scandal.

What part of government can cause the forced removal of a President through impeachment?

The House and Senate in separate proceedings

Why was Richard forced to resign?

Faced impeachment for his part in the Watergate scandal. - APEX.

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Richard Nixon

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I think it's very likely to be an Obama-Clinton ticket.

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no, encouraged maybe, but not forced.

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Corrupt rulers in the Philippines have been forced from office through various means, such as people power movements, impeachment proceedings, and legal investigations. Examples include the ousting of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986 through the EDSA Revolution and the impeachment of Joseph Estrada in 2001.

What U.S president was forced to resighn to avoid impeachment for hisinvolvement in the Watergate scandal?

President Richard M. Nixon.

Has a US president ever been removed from office?

To date (2012), no U. S. President has been legally removed from office. Four Presidents, Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy, were removed by assassination. Two Presidents, Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1999, were impeached. Johnson's impeachment was due to violation of a law that he believed to be unconstitutional and that was passed over his veto specifically to limit his actions regarding Reconstruction. Clinton's impeachment was due to his perjury (lying under oath) while being questioned about his relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Johnson's impeachment failed by one vote, and Clinton's failed by 17 votes.