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The Cuban missile crisis occurred almost four years after Fidel Castro's takeover of the country.

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Who were the leaders of the us and Cuba during the Cuba missile crisis?

Castro and JFK

What did Cuba do during act during the missile crisis?

Cuba simply obeyed Russia, and Russia take the missiles out.

Who was the leader of cuba during the missile crisis?

Fidel Castro

What happened during the Cuban crisis?

The soviet union placed missiles in Cuba and the U.S. placed a blockade of Cuba

Placing missiles in cuba during the Cuban missile crisis?

Krushchev the Russian leader at the time put long-range missiles in Cuba, which sparked the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Who was the of cuba during the Cuban missile crisis?

Fidel Castro. its also called Fidels' missile crisis. Fidel Castro

What event happened in Cuba during Imperialism?

Cuban Missle Crisis and Bay of Pigs Invasion

Was the Cuban missile crisis the bombing of cuba by the US?

No. That was what led to the crisis. The crisis was that Russia was putting some nuclear missiles in Cuba as a deterrent to the bombings.

Why were the people kicked out of Cuba by Castro during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Cuba did not have the prisons necessary to house his unwanted people; so he let them go elsewhere.

Why was the Soviet Union to blame during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Because the soviets were the ones to put the missiles in Cuba. Which made the U.S. put missiles in Turkey ending this crisis.

Why is Cuba considered to be a surrogate or puppet state?

Cuba can be considered a surrogate or puppet to the Soviet Union. Due to its proximity to the United States, Cuba was heavily utilized during the Cold War, as is evidenced by the Cuban Missile Crisis.

What event in 1991 led to an economic crisis in Cuba?

The collapse of the Soviet Union led to the economic crisis of 1991 in Cuba. This was due to the close ties between Cuba and the Soviet Union.