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Tom Pendergast

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Q: Who was the Democratic machine party boss in Kansas City who helped get Truman's political career roll?
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Was tammany hall was a powerful political machine in kansas city?

No, he was a powerful political machine in New York City.

Was Tammany hall a powerful political machine in Kansas city?

No, he was a powerful political machine in New York City.

The political party that was deeply divided by douglas's kansas-nebraska act?

Democratic Party

The Kansas Nebraska act eventually led to the birth of what political party?

The Republican Party, but not as you know it today

Does the state democratic party platform for Kansas include marriage equality?

Yes, the state of Kansas democratic party platform does include marriage equality.

What was the effect of Bleeding Kansas on the Democratic Party?

The effect of Bleeding Kansas on the Democratic party was that it divided the party in half. One half that wanted to expand slavery and the other group didn't.

How did the Democratic Party feel about the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

they did not allow slavery

After the Kansas Nebraska act what party did antislavery democrats from?

Free Soil Party?

Is it legal to own a machine gun in Kansas?

There is no State law that prohibits ownership of a machine gun in Kansas. However, Federal law (National Firearms Act) requires registration of machine guns. Possession of an unregistered machine gun is a serous crime, punished by 10 years in prison.

Who came up with the Kansas Nebraska?

The act was designed by Democratic Sen. Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois.

The Republican Party began as a series of anti-slavery political meetings held in the Midwest in 1854?

. These meetings were a response to the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which allowed for the expansion of slavery into new territories. The Republican Party was officially founded in 1856 and quickly became a major political force in opposition to the Democratic Party.

Which political party was formed by antislavery settlers in Kansas?

American party