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His name was Constantine. He didn't really order the creation of The Bible, he ordered that only one bible be created from the many that were in use at the time. So, he commisioned the council of Nicea to decide what would and what would not be included in the official bible.

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Q: Who was the Roman Emperor ordered the bible to be created?
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Was the czars gay in roman times and why did they cut the heads of women off if they were caught with a bible.?

It's "Caesar" - a title passed though the Roman Emperors : and no, the Caesar's were rarely openly homosexual - but it depended on the social norms of Rome at the time. Caesars did not execute anyone - they ordered the execution, but did not do them personally, and most in the ancient world were hostile to religion outside their influence - however Rome should be remembered kindly by Christianity as before it's fall a Roman Emperor made Christianity the religion of the Roman people.

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Yes, it is mentioned in the Bible during the birth of Christ that the Roman Emperor of the time required a census to be taken of the land

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Who was the king who ordered the bible to be made?

King James.

Why was the Presbyterian church set up?

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Northeastern Bible College was created in 1950.

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According to tradition, Peter the Apostle was crucified upside down during the reign of Emperor Nero in Rome. Peter requested to be crucified in this manner because he did not consider himself worthy to die in the same way as Jesus.