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The ancient Roman god of Mercury was the god of flying messages from the other gods and goddesses. He was borrowed from the Greek god called Hermes.

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Q: Who was the Roman god delivered messages?
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What is the Roman name for Mercury?

mercury is named after a god, who sent messages to and from the gods. this was Hermes god of travel.Named after the messenger of the Roman Gods. AnswerThe English name for the planet comes from the Romans, who named it after the Roman god Mercury, which they equated with the Greek Hermes.For the source and more detailed information concerning this subject, click on the related links section (Wikipedia) indicated below.

Why are Hermes and mercury equivalent?

Hermes is the greek god of messages, traveling...etc. Mercury is the roman god of messages, traveling...etc. They are basically the same thing, but the Romans and Greeks named them differently.

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Hermes is the greek god of theft mercantile messages mercury is the roman version of this

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Which roman god had wings?

The god Hermes was the messenger god and was given winged shoes to bring messages to people and gods faster. But other than that no other greek gods had wings.

How did Mercury serve the Romans gods?

Mercury was the Roman god of Messengers and Travelers. so he probably was the gods messenger.