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It should first be noted that the words "human rights" are not in the constitution itself. But the rights Americans have certainly are elaborated in a number of the amendments. Most important is the First Amendment to the constitution, written by James Madison, who became the fourth President of the United States. This amendment guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, etc. Voting rights were granted to black males in the fifteenth amendment, and to women in the Nineteenth Amendment.

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Q: Who was the US president who put human rights into constitution?
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Why was the Bill of Rights put into the constitution?

I believe the Bill of Rights was put in the Constitution to satisfy the anti-federalist.

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== == The Framers of the Constitution and 9 of the 13 colonies decided to put the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution.

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What role did the bill of rights play in convencing states to ratify the constitution?

The allowing of the amendments to be proposed was given in the 5th article. The states said they wouldn't sign it unless there were basic rights such as freedom of religion and speech and the right to bare arms like in the Bill of Rights. The writers agreed and gave a basic outline including the ability to change the constitution with amendments. The states after signing put up 12 ammendments for discussion and 10 were passed therefore, the Bill of Rights were made. If these rights wernt made there would be no constitution.

Would the Constitution have passed without the Bill of Rights?

Yes I would...if you understand the reason Alexander Hamilton, wanted to put into effect the Bill of Rights. He felt that human rights were "not specifically defined." Although there were arguments from James Madison, that the Constitution was clear on these rights, and did not need amended. However, Hamilton insisted, that it needed to be clearly stated. Madison was afraid that by "Amending" the Constitution, it would lead to further amendments, that would "change" the initial meaning of the Constitution.