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Q: Who was the Virginia representative who refused to attend the Constitutional Convention?
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What evidence that the nation was divided in attitudes about the constitutional convention?

Leaders like Patrick Henry refused to attend.

Which state refused to go to the continental congress in 1787?

Rhode Island did not send delegates to the Constitutional Convention.

Who was the oldest person to attend the Constitutional Convention?

All 13 states were invited to send delegates to the Constitutional Convention. Only Rhode Island refused to send delegates, fearing (correctly) that the Convention didn't really intend to revise the Articles of Confederation, but rather to replace it with a Constitution that created a strong federal government.

Two of the signers of the US Constitution were from Virginia Name one of them?

There were 7 delegates from Virginia, but only 3 signed the final draft. They were George Washington, James Madison, and John Blair. Two delegates were not present for the signing: George Wythe and James McClurg. Two Virginia delegates present refused to sign: George Mason and Edmund Randolph. Massachusetts delegate Elbridge Gerry also refused to sign.

How many delegates showed up to the first convention in philadalphia?

55 delegates attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. 2 from New Hampshire. 3 sent each from New York, and Connecticut. Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and North Carolina each sent 5. Georgia, Massachusetts, and South Carolina each sent 4. Pennsylvania sent 8, and Virginia sent 7. Rhode Island refused to send any delegates, and Patrick Henry refused to attend stating he "smelled a rat in Philadelphia, tending toward the monarchy."

Related questions

Virginia representative who refused to attend the constitutional convention?

Patrick Henry

What Virginia representative refused to attend the constitutional convention?

Patrick Henry refused to attend. He said he 'smelt a rat' at the Convention.

Rhode Island refused a call for a what?

constitutional convention

What is the contribution of John Dickinson at the Constitutional Convention?

John Dickinson was important in the Constitution. He was a Contentional Congressman, a Representative of Delaware, refused to sign the Declaration of Independence, and wrote many, many essays.

Which state was not represented at the constitutional convention?

what state was not represented when the constitution was signed ?Rhode Island did not want a strong central government at the time, so they refused to send delegates to the Constitutional Convention.

Which state was not represented at Constitutional Convention?

what state was not represented when the constitution was signed ?Rhode Island did not want a strong central government at the time, so they refused to send delegates to the Constitutional Convention.

Who refused to take part in the constitutional convention?

Patrick Henry, and the State of Rhode Island, in general.

What state initially refused to call a convention to consider ratifying the constitution?


What was evidence that the nation was divided in attitudes about the constitutional convention?

Leaders like Patrick Henry refused to attend.

What is the evidence that the nation was divided in attitudes about the constitutional convention?

Leaders like Patrick Henry refused to attend.

Which these is evidence that the nation was divided in attitudes about the constitutional convention?

Leaders like Patrick Henry refused to attend.

What was the evidence that the nation was divided in attitudes about the Constitutional Convention?

Leaders like Patrick Henry refused to attend.