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It wasn't actually an astronaut. It was a Russian cosmonaut by the name of Yuri Gegarin (I believe that is how his name is spelled).

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Q: Who was the astronut's who orbited the earths moon?
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What Orbits and is Orbited?

Earth. It orbits the sun and the moon orbits it

Which astronaut traveled on Apollo 11 did not step on the moon?

Michael Collins, who orbited around the moon in the command module.

What is bigger earths moon or Mars?

I think Mars is bigger than Earths moon.

Which out of the moon or the sun is more attracted to the earths ocean?

The moon has a greater effect than the sun on the earths oceans.

What faces do the moon have?

The Moon always presents the same side of itself to Earth, thus nobody had seen the other side of the Moon (i.e. the other half) until a rocket orbited the Moon.

Related questions

Who are the astronuts?

an astronuts go to the univers to put a flag on the moon and to study about the planet.

Which animal first orbited the moon?

No animal has orbited the moon other than man. Dogs and monkeys have orbited the earth.

Why is the new moon seen at day?

Well the moon doesnt actually move, so when this moon is out at day it means it hasnt orbited the earths full rotation.... so the sun is still in the sky as well as the moon.

What astronauts orbited space?

Nobody has orbited space but some have orbited the earth and the moon.

How would astronuts travel into space or to the moon?

they would travel in a space shuttle

What was the name of the craft that took the astronuts to the moon?

The craft that actually landed on the moon was called the Lunar Excursion Module.

Earth is orbited by a large what?


Which planet is not orbited by a moon?


Information about the Indian astronuts?

there were some Indians on the moon in my vision so that means YES

Who was the first girl to walk on the moon?

No female has yet walked on or orbited the moon

Has there been a women on the moon?

No, up to today no women has landed on the moon or even orbited it.

What did Michael Collins do whilst neil Armstrong was on the moon?

Orbited the Moon at 60 miles.