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Robert Hooke

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Q: Who was the first man to find cells?
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Who was the first man to see cells?

Robert Hooke.

First man to find the first lizards?

the first man to find a lizard is adam hett in 1883

Robert hooke and cells?

Robert Hooke was the first man to see cells under a microscope.They were dead cells on a cork. Anton van Leevwenhoek was the first to see living cells under a microscope.

Find out how was the first ISP?

Its a mad man iron man

Who saw cells first?

A man named Antonie van Leeuwenhoek at the turn of the 1700's.

Who was the first man to find gold?

G C McLaughlin was the first man to find gold in Australia.people say it wasCapt. John A. Sutter but its only in california.(in fork river)

Who was the first man to find out the earth is a sphere?

chistopher coulmbus

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What is a good surprise for a man?

well first you find out what he likes and then what he wants.

What did they find out when the first man landed on the moon?

becuase of the gravity of the earth

What was the composition of the atmosphere when the earth was first formed?

find out yourself man

What do you find in cells?

you can find amyloplast in animal and plant cells