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The first fully documented case of true death by radiation poisoning was Marie Curie in 1934 after many years of exposure to different highly radioactive elements and x-rays from medical equipment she used in WW1 to examine wounded soldiers. Even her papers and cookbook are too radioactive to be safely handled without special protective clothing.

In 1932, a famous American socialite called Eben Byersdied after ingesting large amounts of a radium containing patent medicine called Radithor over the course of several years. However the real cause of his death was multiple cancers, not radiation poisoning.

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Q: Who was the first person to die of radiation poisoning?
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Who was first person to die of radiation poisoning?

Certainly Eben McBurney Byers (April 12, 1880 -- March 31, 1932) has died from radiation poisoning a while before Litvinenko, and even before Marie Curie. It's not clear, however, if he was the first.

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Negative of the radio are the radiation effects that affect of radiation Two ways in which radiation can hurt people are radiation poisoning and cancer from radiation. Radiation poisoning occurs when a person is exposed to large amounts of radiation. to get an idea of how much 300 rem is, it might help to know that we are exposed to about 0.2 rem each year just by living our normal lives. A person who received 300 rem, A unit for measuring absorbed doses of radiation, equivalent to one roentgen of x-rays or gamma rays,( roentgen -a unit measuring a radiation dose) if untreated, will probably die soon after of radiation poisoning.

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You die xD It was good while it lasted :D

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Probably the guy who discovered it, I don't onow his name though

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they died Yes, many, many thousands died & they continued to die of radiation poisoning for many, many years.

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